
Am I... alright?




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
01-27-2023, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2023, 01:07 PM by Rivaxsaurus. Edited 1 time in total.)
"Clear your mind and your body."

The warmth from her helped his pounding heart. He felt his muscles beginning to ease, if not from the strain of the swim, he had just had to endure a few hours previous. It was the next day now and no doubt his parent's bodies had been thrown into some ocean to drift to the bottom. Riv wasn't aware... the hit on his parents had also been towards him and his siblings. He took a few steps back, instinctively shaking out more water from his fur. Eyes widening when she explained she had lost her parents and a sister in a similar manner. Was this what some wolves thought was normal? He narrowed his eyes, his chest hurt but Riv grounded himself. He focused on bellamy's voice, "Shinkokyūshite,-me no mae ni aru mono o kazoete mite kudasai. (Roughly, take a deep breath and count what's in front of you)" he spoke clearly as he could stumble over the saying for a moment. When he finally could feel the wind in his fur he looked at Bellamy's paw guiding him.

"W-when we got lost my da would say Genkiwodashite tanoshimini which means chin up and look forward. Fear is your worst enemy when you are looking for you loved ones right?" his voice tapered into an uncomfortable laugh. He decided then though that this meant he had to take a step forward. He stared at the large lands out in front of him. "I don't think they washed up with me here, we got separated in the water far before I got lost.... they all have odd tails like me! Not normal wolf tails. Pa said it was a blessing from the god Denki.... maybe that had to do with the attack on our caravan?" they were all intelligent words but he didn't know why this had happened to all of them. "My great grandmother used to live here. I heard she called herself Arian Adravendi and was an alpha for a bit in .... uhhh.... uhhh what's that big land called.... Boreas?" Riv just wanted to keep talking so he didn't have to think about his parents death.

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1. Am I... alright? The Bifröst 09:32 AM, 01-15-2023 06:14 AM, 09-25-2023