
When we feel free



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
01-27-2023, 01:46 PM
His thoughts were broken by the woman that was currently taking care of him. For a moment he considered the implication that she was his new mother. It wasn't like his mother didn't exist anymore, she died and her soul was wherever it was supposed to go. His father had told him once that sometimes we grow old, other times we were ended early by a predator or even a fellow wolf. Cautious. he would say, cautious with others and trust your gut instincts. Well! Bellamy had been kind, he didn't have a reason not to trust her. Father would be proud of him no doubt. Then his eyes traveled to the companions talking to him. His eyes lit up, tail raising above his head as he dangled out in front of Whiskers. Riv grinned at the companion, "Ummm yeah isn't that the point....?" to catch a fish you obviously had to get a bite, but like... how much would it actually hurt? His tail was odd enough as it was, maybe he had superpowers and just didn't even know it!? Carefully he rose a paw and playfully patted it toward Whiskers. Taking a quick glance at the other one and tilting his head.

"You know I've never seen anything like you guys before. What are you?" curiosity swept over him. "How'd you meet Bellamy, she saved me from some big water and that's how WE met....." he trailed off and looked to Bellamy. He hopped up and down excitedly. "Yesss! Of course, I can take it I'm a Walker, and a Walker is the toughest kind of knight around!" he tried to make himself look big fluffing out his chest. Maybe he was just a little excited to be dry. He realized how much that experience had made him HATE getting wet. His tail got heavy sometimes but when he was wet it almost felt like his back paws were going to fall off. Snapping his head to the creek his tail wiggled back and forth. "So do we gotta stick something on my tail to attract them? How do you catch a fish anyway? We mostly ate rabbits back home. Ma said it was just because they were plentiful and easy to catch. Fish are slippery and the scales would get stuck in her teeth allll the time." Riv rolled his eyes, he wanted to try a fish.