
A Meeting with a Name

(mandatory pack meeting)



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-27-2023, 06:18 PM


He was running behind! The summons from the alpha rang out across the territories of his new pack. Suddenly, the pale wolf was gripped with indecision. Was he supposed to be fully decked out in his armour? Was he supposed to be making a good first impression on the rest of the pack? He hadn't joined a new pack before, he'd always had Abaven. It wasn't until Sonnet hooked a paw around his foreleg and nearly knocked him down that he paused to look at the mountain lion. She removed her paw to gently pat his own pale forepaw and point towards the entrance of his hastily cobbled together den. Okay, no armour. Just go. He chuffed softly, flashing a smile towards the cat as he meandered out onto the open fields of the Range.

By the time he made it to the barn, tufted ears tipped back towards his head nervously, he could see that most of the pack was already here. The most startling sight was the massive stallion that had taken his place among the ranks, who the male had thus far never run into. He'd assumed there was a wild horse living in the area, but somehow he couldn't have imagined that it would be a member of the pack! As his glowing eyes drifted across the assembled membership, he noticed a familiar figure that brought a smile to his face. Corvus was here! The older male had been a mentor of sorts when he'd been dealing with the sudden loss of his parents, and it brought him a measure of peace to see him again.

While there was a pang of regret in his chest at having left Sonnet at home, he couldn't turn back to go get her now. So he picked his way across the warm floor of the barn until he was closer to the group, settling lightly onto his haunches as he dipped his head towards Corbie in greeting.