
Let it be



10-19-2013, 01:09 PM

I smiled, of course I was always willing to help. There was nothing worse than knowing that your family was in trouble. In the end it was probably the only feeling I had until this point. Where as many had already left me behind to start their own lives, I did still have Allen and Hajime. Who knew maybe I'd gain more family along the way. I had a long way to live, even if it felt like I had been living for a very long time. Glaciem would have what was coming to them, and if I had anything to say I would automatically be at their throats in an instant putting my own life on the line. But, that would make others dearly upset, so I couldn't be that stupid anymore, I didn't have a team to back me up.
"It'd be an honor Epiphron." I said with a bit of surprise. Lowering my head in a bow, then raising it again with a flick of my ears. I honestly never thought I'd be put into a position of power again since my last events of life. Not ever since my spell of dark insanity that I over came and then never mentioned ever again. From where I stood, I saw nothing special in me, I simply lived the way I thought a life should be lived. It was somewhat daunting, but no more exciting then it would be if I was an evil commander trying to take over the world.
Someone who would always be cared for was lucky, and I hoped that in the future every child could be like that. Well, better than myself who had lost my family on a simple whim, and then was forced to grow up at a quick rate otherwise I would have died. Thanks to my teacher, who happened to be a full grown white tiger, I was able to get through life. I also had Denki to thank, and many more who supported me, and somehow I ended up on the top of all of them. And still they always asked me why I didn't become mad with all the power given. Probably since I really didn't know what to do with it, and didn't know what everyone expected of me.
As soon as the subject of my father came up my eyes shifted slightly away from the queen. "For a long time I didn't even know he was my birth father. My mother died giving birth to me and my brother, but made sure other families took us in so our father couldn't get to us. He wasn't a very kind man, he was even more heartless and ruthless than the king of Glaciem himself. He ended up killing my adopted younger sister, and the father of my son Hajime. I had no choice but to kill him before he got me." It wasn't as hard to share it as it used to be. Though my stomach was riddled with the scars of my father, invisible unless someone were to rip my fur away. Then you would see them across nearly every inch of the flesh that contained my innards. "I really didn't want to kill him, for some reason in the back of my mind I still thought, he's my father I shouldn't do this. But I also had to protect the little family I had left." The ending of a life was never easy, no matter who it was.
