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Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-27-2023, 10:11 PM

The chuckle he offered at her reassurance of a dry lunch was seemingly lighthearted. But even still, she wondered why he felt the need to justify it. "This is just a different kind of fun." Kiliaen responded lightly, returning his joking tone with one of her own. She remembered how warm and hazy it made their last meal. It made the firelight dinner that much more impactful. But this was the afternoon, out in the open, and in broad daylight. Maybe it would have been more fun, but she wasn't convinced. She was already having a lovely time as it was.

A comfortable lull settled between them as they went on with their meals- perhaps he was every bit in his head as she was in her own. But as Balthier stood from the place where he lounged, she couldn't help but watch playful interest as she finished chewing her most recent bite. His approach was unexpected, but not unappreciated. The smooth, masculine tones of his voice resonating in the suddenly narrow space between them. As he lowered himself to the ground, the presence of his touch just below her shoulders caused a tingling sensation. A feeling she didn't know if she should shake off or lean into. However, she definitely cared enough about him to want to avoid hurting his ego. So, she endured with a curious smirk spreading across her face as he suggested more regular visits here in God's Garden- both their meals long forgotten.

Her mind reeled for an appropriate answer as she was caught in the crosswind of genuinely liking him, and feeling uncertainty about where things were going and how quickly they were getting there. Just as she had decided she would take a leap of faith with him- more concerned of him turning away and never coming back if she balked- she felt another touch over the backs of her paws. Her attention flashed downwards for a moment as she took a breath to answer him. "I-" But just as she returned her eyes to his, she was met with a kiss.

Kiliaen went rigid for a split second- taken completely off guard before she could process what was happening. Her heartbeat threatened to fight its way out of her chest, though, in her surprise, she didn't pull away or attempt to stop it. After a moment, she allowed herself to relax, and even attempt to return his affection to the best of her ability by leaning into his advance. But when the burn in her lungs reminded her she required a deeper breath, she pulled back ever so slightly- lingering in their shared space. "What if.. I had told you I wasn't staying?" Would that have earned a different response? Did it particularly matter? No. The question was really just a device to make an attempt at clearing her head. Even so, through her close proximity to him, the chemistry between them, and the pull she couldn't ignore, it all was just a little bit stronger than her better judgment. She was reminded of the night spent tucked behind the waterfall. Maybe that didn't have to be a one-time thing. Maybe he was thinking that too. She searched his face to see if she could find any inkling of recognition- but she simply couldn't ignore the draw any longer. Leaning forward, she sought to reclaim his intimate touch once again.