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"The Golden Boy"


Expert Hunter (160)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Dream Weaver
Mammoth Hunter1K
01-28-2023, 09:44 PM
The way she reacted to his closeness, it wasn't something necessarily new to him but different than his last couple encounters with women. That girl on the beach was so eager for him, Kiliaen seemed not immediately interested in diving so far in. To him she seemed a lot more fragile, a lot more dependent as their short times together continued. It wasn't really that she needed someone to provide for her, but he could almost feel that sense of loneliness in her. Maybe it was all just assumption or complete delusion on his part. But he would like to believe that she needed him in the long run. Even just right now.

As he pushed forward still without much concern about her feelings, he felt a surprised relief as she gave into him in return. The instinctual desire for her grew deep inside him, but he wasn't pushing his limits too far today. Not unless she drove them into that direction, he'd have no arguments to that. He took a sharp breath in himself as she pulled away, his eyes half lidded as he looked back at her taking back the breath that was held between them. That all too familiar soft smile over his maw from that quick moment they shared. Even when she considered that she may not have stayed here.

His paw over her back went to rub against her shoulders a couple times, but he too didn't release any space between them. "If that's true, we'd have to make the most of what time we have together." Silly for something that could easily be claimed as a fling. It wouldn't feel that way to him though. What she didn't see because it didn't show straight down from his heart was how desperate he was for her company. Not just a fling, or a one night stand. But he tried not to get his hopes up in matters like this. Just like the drink, it would be something to get him by. To drown out every real emotion and need that he buried. "Couldn't I give you a reason to stay?" It was genuine, but he was also throwing out this same joking attitude of it not being that big of a deal had she stayed here for the next few weeks or so, and then vanished from Auster. It would hurt him, but he wouldn't let her know that. Not right now in this early stage of potential they had. His nose would push forward again to capture her into that same kiss. Seemingly like that was all he cared about. Maybe in this moment it was.

"Balthier Destruction"
Balthier can be rated a !M! mature character due to alcohol abuse.