
Date Night

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-28-2023, 02:33 AM

As Syanna assured him that she didn't need anything fancy and kissed his cheek with her thanks for spoiling her, Ezra gave her a toothy grin and turned his head enough to catch her lips with a soft kiss. "I don't know if I'd call this spoiling, but I'm glad you like it." He wanted to do even more for her and have even nicer things to give her, but if he was being honest with himself he wasn't sure if that was either of their style. He had no doubt that she would appreciate whatever he did for her and even though he felt like she deserved so much more, this little picnic on the beach at sunset felt perfect for them and their relationship. His side leaned into hers as he laid out their dinner in front of them and got the wine opened. At the very least he did remember to get the kind of wine he knew she liked. He didn't have a very strong preference one way or another, but he did make an effort to remember little things like that about her so he could make sure he was catering to her a little bit.

She questioned him on whether he was planning to get her drunk and take advantage of her as he passed the freshly opened bottle to her and that pulled a sly grin onto his lips as he chuckled, giving her a roguish look as he returned the flick of his tail to her hip. "I don't think that's ever off the table with us," he commented with a knowing smirk and a wink. For once he actually didn't do any of this with the motive of getting to sleep with his sexy girlfriend, but he knew how they were with one another and he certainly wouldn't put it past them to wind up in that position before the night was over. When she passed the bottle over to him he took it willingly and took a generous drink of the wine as well while his tail came to curl around her rump, snuggling up to her while they enjoyed the quiet of the beach and ate their dinner together.

He took another bite of the venison in his paws while Syanna asked what had brought on this date night and he lifted his ice blue gaze to her emerald eyes as he swiped his tongue across his muzzle and smiled. "Nothing in particular, really. I just realized that we haven't really had many real dates or anything like that so I just wanted to do something nice with you." Yes, they spent a large majority of their time together wrapped up in one another or just living their day to day lives which he certainly didn't have an issue with, but he was already very glad he had decided to take the time to plan this for them. The smile on her face was more than worth it and it made him wonder if he should be doing stuff like this way more often. He knew sometimes they were simply too busy with everything they had going on with the pack, but surely they could at least work in nicer dinners or at least get out of the pack lands a little more often.

"Syanna & Ezra"