
What You Need




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
01-28-2023, 03:25 AM

Manea's curiosity about this boy that Fia had apparently befriended was soon satisfied as her daughter revealed that this was someone from Ashen named Stolas. Hearing that he was from Ashen made her brows lift a touch with interest. Of course she had to wonder if perhaps this boy was either one of Venom's or maybe one of her nephews, though she knew not everyone in Ashen would be one of her friend's relatives. Still, the possibility was there and even if this friendship turned out to be nothing more than that then Manea was happy that they were building more connections between their two packs–and that Fia was out making friends. She chuckled a bit at the few facts Fia gave about the boy she was wanting to bring around. Since he was from one of their allied packs she wasn't too worried about bringing him here to visit since he would have been welcomed either way, but it was still cute to hear her daughter try to introduce him in a way.

"Well, it might be a bit cold for you two to swim in the lake right now, but perhaps he can come for another visit in the summer to do that," she said with a little grin. "Stolas is more than welcome to visit. Just let me know when he'll be around and we'll make sure to have a nice dinner that night with him." Of course she wouldn't let Fia get away with having a boy come visit without also at least meeting him herself. She started to turn her attention back to their current dinner plans and handed Fia a couple of the furs she was getting laid out near the fire. "Now help me with getting our dinner set out, darling."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny