
A little fancier than IKEA




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-29-2023, 01:56 PM

As he tended to do during the day when he wasn't tasked with patrols, Ruga was at his stall in Armada's market place and was keeping himself busy with a current project while he waited on visitors or customers. With the colder temperatures of the winter season setting in around the north, the traffic had died down some, but that didn't keep him from manning his booth. The nice thing about working with a forge was that he was always plenty warm. He was in the middle of hammering out a hot piece of metal when a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye drew his attention and he paused to look up at the familiar blue and black furred wolf approaching his stall. His ears perked a bit with interest and he tossed Artorias a grin before quickly dropping the metal into a nearby bucket of water, causing it to hiss and spit a bit as he walked away to greet his former client.

Artorias! Good to see you again as well," he said in reply with a friendly grin, sitting down on the opposite side of a short counter from the Hallows alpha so that he could grab a rag and start cleaning a bit of soot off of his paws and forelegs–not that it could really be seen against his dark fur. "What can I help you with?" he questioned and soon got a bit of an answer as Artorias told him he wasn't here for the usual weapons or armor, but instead something special for his home. That made Ruga look at him curiously with a bit of a tilt of his head. While he was a bit disappointed that he wasn't going to get to work on another one of those amazing swords that were hiding in the castle that Artorias and his family called home, he was intrigued to say the least since he had never had a commission for something outside of weapons and armor. "I do indeed take commissions, but I've never had a request for home decor," he replied with an amused chuckle. "What do you have in mind?"

"Ruga Amanto"