
Parties always mean mouths to feed

Rudy, Kip


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
01-29-2023, 02:17 PM
Even though he and Rudyard were now in the High Council, that didn't mean that either of them ever really abandoned the hunting tasks that they had usually been assigned–not that he would want to. Hunting was one of the things that he actually enjoyed doing that just so happened to benefit the pack so it was really a win-win in his book. With the upcoming bonfire festival, he knew that there would be a feast involved or at the very least guests that would likely be staying at the castle and would need to be fed if not both. Because of that he had been putting more time and effort toward hunting and making sure that the pantry was throughly stocked and ready to go. Rudy had long been his hunting partner of choice so after he found a trail of a herd of deer he doubled back and went to go find the fellow antlered man. When he did find Rudy he was with his son and that quickly turned the hunting trip into a hunting lesson which really just felt like a two-for-one.

Ezra led Rudy and Kipling out to the God's Garden to where he had originally picked up the trail and then signaled for them to be quiet as he stalked forward, following a few of the over grown garden paths till they found themselves at the edge of a open clearing where the deer had decided to pause to graze on the grass that had been growing like crazy from the frequent rains they had been experiencing lately. He stopped at a line of shrubbery and glanced over to Rudy and Kipling. While he certainly wouldn't turn down any of the boy's thoughts or opinions, he mainly directed his words to Rudy so that Kip could see them at work and learn how the two seasoned hunters worked together. "I say we go for the buck toward the right side," he whispered. Usually for two hunters a larger buck like that would be a bit more difficult, but they needed a lot of meat and he was more than confident in their skills. Plus, they had the added bonus of the garden's thick plant life boxing in the herd a bit. "We can get on either side of it from the bushes and ambush it on both sides."

"Ezra Adravendi"