
Strength In Numbers

Charlie & Kite Fighting Seasonal


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-29-2023, 11:06 PM

Andy takes a defensive stance, neck bunching so that her horns jut threateningly at the ravenous coyotes. Her hackles are raised, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned as she growls menacingly at the advancing, hungry pack. Suddenly, a blur of tans and teal bursts on the scene, slamming into one of the coyotes and sending it stumbling sideways. A grin appears as Charlie makes his grand entrance and, in the brief moment his of distraction his arrival offers, one of the coyotes’ lunges at the lavender girl from the side. A snarl is ripped from her maw as feels teeth sink deeply into her right shoulder and she swiftly thrashes her head so that the horns poke at her attacker.

Forcing the attacker to detach, the girl notices Kite’s entrance and watches as she barrels toward Charlie before delivering a bite to their brother. Wincing in sympathy, Andromeda snarls and strikes out at the coyote that had drawn blood from her as it lunges back in. Taking a step back she is able to grab the creatures skinny back in her maw. Teeth puncture skin and she gives her head a hard shake which causes the creature to yelp in pain. Something in her mouth crunches before the girl is forced to release the beast as the coyotes companions suddenly turn their ire on her.

Thoughts whirl at frantic pace as she counts the coyotes while looking between her brother and sister. The sunlight on the snow is blinding so her sister so Kite has her blindfold firmly in place and is having trouble feeling confident in attacking. An idea quickly forms and the lavender pup dives back into the forming circle of predators. For once, Andy shouts loudly, “Kite move straight toward my voice! There is a coyote between us!” Trusting her sister to handle that beast, she looks to Charlie while standing in the same spot and says, “Charles! Take the one furthest out! I’ve got these two!”

The coyote she attacked has not gotten back up and the lavender girl wonders if the crunch she had felt was its spine breaking. Based on the fact that it is whimpering and only its front legs are moving, the girl is confident in her assumption and silently vows to end its suffering as soon as she can. With Kite and Charlie focused on two sperate beasts, the girl gives tasks herself with taking down the last two of the ravenous group. Being this close to the creatures, she notices that their ribs can be seen clearly under their stretched skin and some of them even have the knobs of their spine beginning to protrude.

Pity momentarily swells for the creatures but the fact that they are attacking wolves so close to pack lands quickly squelches the feeling. That… and the wound that coyote has given her. Her shoulder is now bleeding freely and the coppery tang of blood begins to fill the air. Unable to stop, Andy lunges in, attempting to overtake the last two hungry creatures. The pups fight valiantly but the starving coyotes are unwilling to concede defeat. They will not give up and the girl idly hopes an adult is on the way to help. Her shoulder is beginning to throb and she hopes her siblings are faring better than her.

WC: 554
Total WC: 1704 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.