
No Fear *Joining*


10-19-2013, 04:31 PM
Garnet very nearly died on the spot when she was welcomed so easily into the pack. She had heard that Tortuga wasn't quite so strict on the pack fights and the hierarchy based on the results of fights but a part of her had worried she'd have to fight in order to join. For Tortuga's sake, she would have, though she could have guessed the results. She'd be amongst the lowest members. Which wasn't necessarily bad for her (she didn't really mind being so far down) but she knew it would have meant a few changes and learning new behavior. To not be asked to fight was nothing short of miraculous for her.

Garnet didn't seem to notice that Vi hadn't been an official member of the pack and missed the importance of Taurig just announcing it. She just watched the two pack members for cues. She cocked her head inquisitively when Vi said her curious little goodbye but thought nothing more of it. Attention was turned back to Taurig, Garnet slowly pulled out of her submissive pose, opting for a sitting position. Though she did make sure to remain as neutral as possible and show submission to Taurig. He obviously didn't mind Vi's behavior but Garnet had to make a good impression! She smiled a little, playing the perfect well-behaved guest. When he mentioned being a hunter, Garnet's spirits were brought down a little. She could hunt for herself, certainly, but her lack of strength made it difficult for her to bring down prey large enough for multiple wolves to eat. She could run down nearly anything but she didn't have the brute strength to back up her speed. "Um, Sir, I apologize but I might not be the best at hunting. I try and I can sometimes kill badgers or something but... I'm not too good at the hunting. I can run aaaaaaall day long but I'm not so good at getting prey." She hung her head, more than a little afraid Taurig would deem her useless and kick her out. "But I can try, yes, sir!" she added before such a thing happened.