
My Love, My Soul, My Heart!


10-19-2013, 04:32 PM
A gentle rumble in his chest indicated his happiness as Udosa came at him. He closed his eyes as her forepaws came to wrap around him, and in turn he lifted a forepaw and pulled her closer to him, burying his face into the fur on her neck. He inhaled her scent, the very same one that he remembered all that time ago. They had both grown, no longer pups but now full fledged adults. He thought that maybe she would hate him for abandoning her for so long, that she would want nothing to do with him at all, perhaps even have a mate by now...the worrying thoughts that he carried throughout his journey would slowly ease, but he wasn't sure. Maybe she did already have a mate? Possibly children? And maybe she was just happy to see him and they would remain friends...He hoped with all his heart and mind that those nagging thoughts were just the devils lies.

Jasper pulled her closer to him, holding her tightly as he then wrapped his other foreleg around her to hold her as close as possible; to hold her tighter, feeling as though if he let go she would disappear. Not this time. He would not let her disappear again, would not abandon her. He loved her too much...though he would not stop her from making her life choices. Whether he was with her as a friend or as a mate, he would stay by her side for support and love her no matter what. Whether she liked it or not, she would be stuck with long as she was happy, that's all he cared about. "Udosa, I missed you so much...there's no words to describe how happy I am to see you right now. I...I don't want to let you go again.." he confessed through a whisper. Though it was bold, he didn't care. They had fallen in love as pups, and he was sure the love was still there. He could see it in her eyes and feel it in her heart. There was no mistaking the pull that his soul had towards her.