
the dark between the stars




4 Years
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Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-01-2023, 02:40 PM

"I was more curious if you had your sights on challenging one of the Daimyo." Not only had Venom approved of his proposal for the rank of Samurai but the Empress answered his last question in a way the surprised him. Upon joining Ashen Incubus was aware that the pack was already a well oiled machine. One of which he was hesitant to disrupt. Incubus did not feel comfortable enough to waltz in and challenge for such a high rank when honestly he hadn't even shared words with two out of the three Daimyos. Of course he'd considered the rank, Daimyo was his end game. Incubus was a rather ambitious creature by nature but he was more of a slow burn. Perhaps this was a much needed push from the Empress to take larger strides towards his goal.

Incubus allowed her words to swim through his mind before expelling a response of his own. "I do have my sights set on the Daimyo rank."  A pause. "But, before I rip the rank from the paws of another I must ensure that that is what's best for Ashen. I've yet to spend much time with two of the three Daimyo. It would be foolish for me to challenge someone that is a better fit for the role." In other words, Incubus would spend some time in the Samurai rank to focus on training and sizing up who'd he want to challenge. There was no way this Klein was going to swing and miss. "Perhaps I am over analyzing the situation but I'd prefer to feel secure in my decision rather then taking a shot in the dark." He was trying to do the opposite of what his Father may have done. Flinging himself into a rank with little to no care of what sort of order he compromised just to have the power. Incubus did crave some power but not ravenously enough to make impulsive moves.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]

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1. the dark between the stars Cryer's Ravine 03:38 PM, 01-21-2023 03:35 AM, 02-13-2024