
Can't Drink You Away



11 Years
10-19-2013, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2013, 12:19 AM by Bane.)
Bane had said nothing to the male that had verbally assaulted him while he slashed into Nako's pelt. No words to either of them. And as he padded across the snow Bane's pace slowed as he heard Alena... her howl... Such sadness and loss... He looked back from where he came from and let out a low scruff filled howl of his own, and apology waving through the air towards Alena. When he passed by an herb that would cause numbing, Bane snatched it up after a pause in his stride to rearrange everything he was carrying in his maw. He pressed on to expand the short distance he'd traveled even as Nako stirred from his induced slumber at the older wolf's howl and from being set down and picked up again.

The little pup wiggled in protest as Bane carried him farther away from his family, Nako dangling uselessly from his real fathers jaws. A frost covered glade was passed into and Bane finally decided he'd traveled a fair distance to rest without fear of being pursued. Nako was deposited on the ground and a paw was placed on his back as the aging Seracian began to remove and jab his feathers into the pups ear and neck fur. Bane rubbed the herb that induced numbing on the freshly scarred Talutah mark, his ordeal not over. All that remained in his path was to get Nako across the pack borders and he was home free.

Bane looked down at his son opened his maw to carry his pup, Nako shaking his father off when he was attempted to be picked up again, the little wolf darting between the older wolf's hind legs and making a break for the forest back where his family was. His recently scarred shoulder leaving a thin splattering of blood with each bound.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•