
Can't Drink You Away



7 Years
10-19-2013, 07:39 PM
Nako was almost to the tree line, Bane gaining on him, but it was too late. The little wolf darted into a gap in between a tree and a boulder, however the only way to get out was to come in. Bane's head blocked the exit and his real father let out a whine and lay down in front of the opening. "Why did you take me?" The little pup wailed and rubbed his bleeding shoulder against the rock to get off the sticky plant juices that had been rubbed on him. His father let out a low chuckle as he pushed his muzzle into the opening and growled. The bastard pup scrunched up his muzzle in a pathetic growl and bit his fathers nose.

Bane retreated his head out of the opening and answered between licks of his darting tongue cleaning the blood. "Because I need you Nako, just like you need me to make it in this world. I will teach you things I have told no others, things that are worth passing on to you. You are the one I've chosen..."

Nako poked his head out and stared at his father warily, the little pup starting to make his way out towards the direction he was being taken. It was around the center of the glade that a lazily stalking Bane caught up with his moping son. His offspring denied being carried just yet with a shake of his body and a bound forward. "I can walk fine... where we going?" The aging wolf watched his son trail off in a huff ahead of him through the snow, a feeling of remorse passing through him. Perhaps he should've asked Nako what he wanted. "I'm taking you to live with me and my mate in Seracia." The pup continued his lead and yelled behind him. "You could have asked, I would've said yes." Bane gave pause and let out a whine upon contemplating his actions. He could have just asked the pup...

The juvenile wolf came up to his father and leaned against him, the silence of the glade and the whispering of the wind in the frost coated forest the only noises being heard. After a time Bane gently pawed Nako's rump to get a move on as he then spoke.

"Between where we stand and when I reach the treeline you have time to say no. But once you and I enter the woods your committing yourself to a new family." Bane said with a lowered head as he looked down upon his son. "Let's go." Bane picked up his antler and attempted to grab Nako, the pup darting out of the way.

"I said I can walk fine father, there was nothing at Amenti for me with my old family, just boring days and a few times I've played with my littermates." Nako stressed the word old, and finally let himself be picked up.