
Stopping to sip the red wine



2 Years
10-19-2013, 08:45 PM

ooc;; I hope you don't mind the slight pp towards the end :x I can change it if you want <3

Felicita's hackles began to raise in a wary caution, something that she had never experienced before in her life. When Oddity stepped into her path, the young femme crouched low to the ground, ears pinning flat to her skull. For the first time in Felicita's known history, she was scared. She didn't know what was going to happen; this wasn't something she had ever prepared for or ever thought would happen. She thought all wolves were as loving and as caring as the wolves from her family's pack, but apparently, her assumption was incorrect.

"Aww but little dear, it's fun there my king would take good care of you." Felicita listened in horror as she finally detected the menacing undertone to Oddity's words that had been there this entire time. She silently berated herself for being so trusting; if she wasn't, Felicita knew that this wouldn't have happened. A terrified whine slipped from Fell's maw without command, betraying the fear that coiled within her stomach like a snake. She felt cold all over, her emerald eyes wide open, a "deer-in-the-headlights" expression frozen on her face. Moments later, Oddity lunged at Felicita and brought his teeth down on her scruff, digging into the flesh and immediately drawing blood. A wordless scream ripped from Felicita, laced with pure terror.

She immediately began to struggle, still screaming as Oddity began to drag her to this pack of his. Fell was vaguely aware of Oddity speaking through the mouthful of Felicita's flesh that he had a hold of, but she was far from understanding the muffled words. Words began to force their way out of her maw, rapidly screaming in Italian. "Papa mi aiuti! Non lasciate che lui prendete me! Per favore aiutatemi, per favore, per favore, per favore!" Felicita writhed and squirmed, trying as hard as she possibly could, but there was no way she could break out of Oddity's iron-hard grasp. He had her. He was taking her. Where, she did not know.

Felicita's screams faded into broken whimpers as she felt the ragged tatters of flesh that hung from her scruff. Oddity had to continually re-grip her scruff due to the chunks of skin Fell had inadvertently ripped out of her neck from her struggles. Blood poured from the wounds in sheets, leaving an ugly red trail in the snow. Unwanted tears traced paths down Fell's cheeks, dual continuous streams. She gave up, and became as limp as a rag doll as Oddity dragged her along. Fell went numb, inside and out. She didn't feel the cold of the snow because she was already so cold inside. Her eyes remained open, unblinking, vision blurred by tears. The whines that occasionally parted Fell's onyx lips were the only signs that she was still alive, still breathing. Other than that? The happy-go-lucky, innocent, alive young woman that was Felicita Adalfero was dead.

