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Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
02-04-2023, 08:03 PM

She soon got an answer for her uncertainty whether she should address them as one or as individual as the one with a pink-hued gaze spoke to introduce themselves, listing their names as Khonsu and Sol. She gave them both a smile and nodded to the introduction, noting the obviously different personality between the two with the more outgoing Khonsu and seemingly more reserved Sol. As he spoke, Manea settled back onto her haunches to listen, her tail curling around her hip neatly and nodding occasionally to show her interest. With the explanation of their newness to these lands and the request to hear about Elysium–as well as a clarification that this was all if she was accepting new members–Manea gave them another friendly smile and chuckled, replying, "That's quite an undertaking considering how many packs occupy these lands. I appreciate your diligence."

"It's not too much to ask at all and I am certainly accepting new members," she added, her gaze occasionally shifting between the brothers as she spoke. "We have been blessed and fortunate to find a place that more than supports our needs and there is currently plenty of room for more to join us here." Moving on to information about Elysium itself, she told them, "My goal here has always been to create a place where my members can live their lives however they see fit without persecution or judgement. I first built this pack for my family to have a place to practice our beliefs, but it's grown into something for anyone from any walk of life to enjoy if they desire. I have a few general laws for everyone to follow, but my only hard rule is to not bring harm to our members or the pack as a whole. I will not risk the safety of my family and members in order to fight a war that one individual caused, if that makes sense."

She paused for a moment, letting them absorb that much before she added, "Ranks and responsibility are earned by a show of skill here. Outside of a few selected advisors I keep, all of my ranks are open for challenge. I have my favorites, as anyone would, but I welcome a sense of competition and want to have the very best working beside me regardless of their connection to me or anyone else." Elysium was luckily not an overly complicated concept to explain so she left it at that for now, giving them another warm smile. "Is there anything else in particular I can answer for either of you?"

"Manea Mendacium"