
A Meeting with a Name

(mandatory pack meeting)


02-04-2023, 09:20 PM

Shortly after his own arrival, Sans caught sight of Álarr slipping into the barn. The rugged-looking man offered the healer a smile and a nod of greeting. There was a feeling of happiness as the monochrome male chose to settle beside him as well. There was already a feeling of comradery forming for the healer, and Sanctus had high hopes that would expand to the rest of the pack as he got to know them. More wolves would trickle in after his friend and a horse as well, the one that Sans could only assume that Corbie had mentioned as part of their ranks. With assumably all of their members gathered, Corbie started the meeting.

One of the key things to note was the pack’s size and the encouragement to spread the word about it. Following shortly after was the mention of a festival which would be a chance to interact with loners and pack wolves alike. They could potentially gain more members, as well as reveal what they had to offer as a potential trade partner. With that information given Corbie opened up the floor to her members. Álarr spoke up, offering to help with the feast by sharing bottles of drink as well as assisting with hunting and processing prey. He posed a good question as well; where would they be sourcing the meat for this festival?

“As a ‘unter of Avalon, I’ll ‘appily assist Álarr in that as well an organize some 'unts. Are there any particular meats you’d be wanting us ta gather when 'unting, miss Corbie? Or as wide a variety as we can?”

"Talk," 'Think.'