
With all the force of a great typhoon




2 Years
02-04-2023, 11:05 PM

It was a very difficult place she was trapped in. The part of her knowing that she should comply to what her current instructions were, and the part that had be conditioned into doing exactly the opposite of what Sirius was asking her to do. She chanced a look up to observe him, only to return her attention to her paws a moment later. She didn't think she could ever consider him prey. Gritting her teeth, she took a staggering step forward, walking with an uneven gait in a way that loosely resembled what she had been shown. Without having her joints locked into place, the trembling happened more freely. But she did her absolute best to try and control it and certainly didn't want to acknowledge it for fear of upsetting the Warlord. Her movement likely appeared uncoordinated and held more resemblance to a prey animal pacing the boundaries of a rounded pen, but it was the best effort she had to offer at her first attempt.

Adelina didn't stop until the motion of the re-entering companion broke her inconsistent progression. As Sirius returned to her with the cloak that had been retrieved. She stood still as it was thrown over her shoulders and fastened at her chest- it was a remarkably heavy covering, or at least more so than she had expected. She did look up then, to offer her gratitude. "Thank you." She was appreciative of the gift and wanted to say more to assure him of it, but in the end, decided against it for her overwhelming feelings of uncertainty.

Instead, she forced herself back into the pacing gait to avoid lingering in one spot for too long. It wasn't comfortable, but she did know she wasn't supposed to avoid being stagnant in this exercise. Adelina couldn't help but wonder how upset he would be if she never became a decent fighter.