
Sister, Sister




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-05-2023, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 06:47 PM by Rusalka. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Scylla shared the short message from their father, Ruse's smile grew and her tail wagged happily behind her, feeling relief and happiness that was slightly mixed with a sadness and longing as she thought about Chimera and heard how he missed her. It had been almost a year since she had seen her father so it was a relief to hear from him again in a way, but also sad since she wasn't hearing it directly from him just yet. It was just good to know that he was doing better and she nodded as Scylla assured her that he should be returning from the south soon. "I'm glad. I've missed him too."

After she mentioned Cerberus and the part he played in making her time here in Elysium enjoyable, Scylla seemed to pick up on that specifically, showing a notable interest as she mentioned how perfect their brother was. Her pale cheeks flushed a bit even though she wasn't sure why and a little grin tugged at her hips as she thought about him. "Yeah, he's pretty great." She obviously wasn't shy about how much she liked Cerberus, especially not when she continued to cuddle with him at night after Scylla and Albion moved in, but it was the first time she had really said anything about it out loud.

As they finished crossing the frozen lake and ended up on the opposite shore, she stopped up onto the snow covered ground, picking her way over some dead cattails and spiky pebbles on the rocky shore. Once she was on a firm spot, she looked up to Scylla just as her sister turned to face her. She didn't want to say she was surprised by Scylla's desire to grow closer to her, but she had never felt like her siblings really wanted that kind of closer relationship besides Cerberus. She had never held it against any of them and had always chalked it up to the fact that she had been the only child of her mother and had spent most of her childhood either sticking to herself or spending time with her parents. Still, hearing Scylla say how much she wanted to build their relationship made her smile and a warmth fill her chest. "I'd love that," she agreed easily, grinning as her tail wagged gently behind her.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"