
here's to the nights we felt alive

riva <3



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-05-2023, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 12:29 AM by Incubus. Edited 1 time in total.)

With each step a twinge of pain soared through his hind leg. In a tussle with Coyote's Incubus had managed to leave with a small yet nasty bite to the back left leg. Honestly, the disappointment he felt with himself due to allowing the creature to land a bite on him stung more then the wound. Nevertheless, he knew he needed to get it cleaned otherwise infection would soon follow.

Moving through the forest surrounding the lake Incubus seemed to be on the hunt for something. He took a rather indirect path to the Apothecary with his eyes scanning the ground before him. That is until those pale orbs landed upon that of a small bushel of marigold. The vibrant golden-orange flower brought a small smile to the Klein's lips as he limped in their direction. Inc leaned down and wrapped his jaws around the stems before tugging them from their resting place. Root and all he made his way to the Apothecary.

Blood trickled from the bite wound as he approached his new den. Their work was coming along nicely. Day by day they chipped away at their list of repairs. Assuming Riva was inside working on something Incubus decided to limp his way inside. Eyes searched for the small Healer as he laid the flowers on one of her work surfaces. Incubus offered a cheesy smile, "These are for you." He flicked his nose towards the flowers.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]

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1. here's to the nights we felt alive Wolfpaw Lake 12:29 AM, 02-05-2023 03:33 AM, 02-13-2024