
You Ever Seen A Dead Body?

Saia Bonus Seasonal


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-05-2023, 01:15 AM

Winter has its icy claws sunk deep into the lands of Boreas and the plunging temperatures have driven both predator and prey to find warmer climates. Ashen is still adjusting to their new lands and, while still establishing their borders, have had to fend off more than a few predators. However, word of ravenous coyotes encroaching on pack lands everywhere, not just Ashen’s, has prompted the need for experienced healers to make sure that any dead specimens they come across are not carrying some strange disease. Today, the task of preforming an autopsy on one such unlucky creature has fallen on the shoulders of the pack’s youngest Daimyo and she decides to use it a learning opportunity.

The girl’s small form flits around a clearing the she has made near the lake that the pack has claimed. The creature’s body has been unceremoniously dumped on the ground nearby and Seere is in the process of setting up a little makeshift autopsy area. On a large, flat rock, she places a rolled-up piece of leather and, carefully, unrolls it to reveal several sharp knives of various shapes and sizes. Each has its own use and there are some that are good for removing skin while others are meant for the denser muscles in the body. Glancing over her tools that are now laid out, the girl then places a small wedge made of steal and a similar sized mallet next to the knives. Those small items will help crack the ribs so that they can easily be removed.

Once everything is in place, the girl then moves over to the dead coyote and gives it a cursory visual inspection. Blood coats the underside of its throat where the killing blow has been dealt and it seems scrawnier than a normal, healthy coyote should be. However, it also seems to have been dead for a bit because gas has filled the stomach and bowels and caused it to begin to bloat. Thinking of her sister, Saia, the girl winces at the thought of having to burp it in front of her sibling, so Seere decides to deflate the creature before calling for Saia to join her. Grabbing a small, long knife from her tools, the small healer then moves back to the dead coyote and places her unused paw on its exposed side.

She presses firmly into abdomen, searching with experienced paws for the worst pockets of air in both the stomach and bowels. As she finds them, the long knife is deftly slipped through the skin into the pockets and, as she pulls the knife from the carcass, is greeted with loud hisses of air. However, sound is not the only thing that is expelled and Seere winkles her nose at the horrible, noxious gas that also fills the air. Once all the necessary punctures have been made, the girl then moves to replace the knife on the makeshift table before, once again, moving back to the dead animal’s side.

Sucking in some air, she then holds her breath while placing both paws on the bloated abdominal section of the deceased animal and pushes. The air escapes even faster and the foul sink that follows is almost to gag her but, by the time she done massaging the air out of it, the coyote resembles the skinny creature it was before death. Sitting back, Seere waits several minutes for the air to clear of the horrid stench before she tips her head back and howls out a call for her sister. She weaves into it, the fact that there will be a lesson and a dead body for them to examine before allowing the sound to die away.

Dropping her head back down, the girl smirks to herself as she wonders how long it will take Saia to appear now. Will the fact that there is a dead body that they will be cutting up draw her here faster or will it deter her completely? Folding her haunches, the girl comes to sit lightly on the grass near her table of tools, a smile already on her lips as she waits for her taller sibling to arrive. This is going to be fun.

WC: 702
Total WC: 702 / 2500

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.