
The wide world




Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
02-05-2023, 02:14 AM

Just a hint of a rueful chuckle, tinged with sorrow that ran soul deep. It was heartbreaking to hear, but the wraith kept his mouth shut. Slowly the words dragged from Emile's throat, and as they did the violet marked male maintained his silence. This was hard, and he knew an interruption would only distract from the truth. A tragedy as old as time, the world moving on as you stand still. The brindled man had been left behind by everyone he knew, and now he was left stranded on an island where no one loved him as he deserved. And here he was, insistent that it was all his own doing. A small, sorrowful smile tipped up the corner of his lips for a moment. Alabaster digits reached out to cover the smaller paw of his companion.

It was a nice change, getting to properly lock eyes with the autumnal male for a few moments. Though his eye had certainly seen brutal violence, it was no less crystalline. "You're not the only one," he crooned, letting out a soft sigh. The willowy male had never stopped to consider the reality that his family were just as distant, just as far flung. Hell, he hadn't seen most of his family since the Long Night. He had simply continued onwards, knowing damned well that he would see them again. Surely if Faith was dead, he would know about it. Modesty had paid him a visit recently enough, so he was reassured to know she was well. Patience? Nowhere to be found. And then there was his mother... well, she was her own woman after all. "I haven't seen my family in a long time, but sometimes that is the way of the world. I have made my own home, and the door remains open for whenever they should choose to step through. Life has carried them off on different winds, but they are no less loved in my heart." he murmured, attention drifting away slowly from the enthralling features of the pale furred male. Easier to get the words out when he wasn't tracing the curve of Emile's cheekbones over and back with his eyes.

"If your kin do not see the value in bringing you along, perhaps it's time for you to let the winds guide you on a new path of your own. One day you may see each other again, or you may not. Why sacrifice your own joy, simply because those around you cannot see your beauty?" the question came out softly, with a tipped skull and a sidelong glance through his lashes. Once again he turned back to look at Emile, to see if the words had any impact. After all, Pontifex had gone against his mother's will to return to the Ashen occupied Shrine, and continued to live there. It was simply his place, where he was meant to be. He ought to drag Emile to the ancient monoliths so he could find his path in the heart of a divine sanctuary, where guidance drifted on every breeze. Lifting his paw from there it had remained loosely gripping Emile's, he traced the backs of his knuckles against his dainty jaw. Smoothed his pads over the fluffy fur of his ruff. The pulse beneath his paw thrummed, barely perceptible to his roughened pads.

"Pontifex" || "Hallux" || "Pollux"

Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.