
I Don't Like Handheld Soup [Bootie Crafting]



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02-05-2023, 05:50 PM
Venom continued to explain as the squirrel used his dexterous paws to help complete the garment. The maned wolf answered Inc’s question, Venom had to admit she found herself agreeing with the woman. If her goal was to explore the northern reached having a pair of leather coverings for her paws would make traveling snow much easier. Though it wouldn’t make sense as much for the snow leopard. Maybe more so for the tropical dweller she had been for so long.

Birna asked her own question about knowing how long the leather should be boiled. "Its funny you ask. The boiled part is the shaping process, you need to start with leather that is tanned with the bark of an oak tree. The toughest leather from a hefty source, like cattle or buffalo.” That was another lesson all together though. "You’ll want a softer material to make up the top so that your toes have more comfort and dexterity.” Venom finished as the squirrel produced one full bootie from the materials provided. The pattern was relatively simple, but quick to make. "They’re not terribly difficult, so if you don’t like walking on the hardened leather you could make the whole shoe from one source more frequently.” Venom ended, ready to answer any more questions.

[Image: ven-sig.png]