Walk the plank!
Mandatory for specific wolves
02-05-2023, 04:40 PM
Keahi is running a patrol in the mile-high forest when the call to gather reaches her ears. It is for a select few and she immediately knows why she is being summoned which causes her ears fold flat against her skull. Heat floods her cheeks as she turns around and swiftly begins to move toward the cove. A heaviness is on her shoulders as the scars on her cheek seem to burn as a painful reminder of her failings. She had spent countless days running through the fight she had lost and mentally picking it apart so she could try to figure out exactly where she had gone wrong and how to correct it. With Ruga’s help, the red woman had been able to put her obsessiveness away so that she could move on with her life and she finally put the fight in the past knowing that she working to do better at… everything.
Yet, this call suddenly brings her short-comings as a fighter crushing back down around her ears. Unwilling to be late to the meeting, Keahi swiftly moves toward the area they will be training at and arrives in short order. Mentally, the woman shakes off the shame knowing that she cannot change the past and will use this as the learning opportunity it is. The red woman moves to take a seat in front of the winged wolf while giving the Lieutenant some space so she does not feel like the tropical wolf is infringing on her personal bubble. Ocean blue eyes catch Mortis’s gaze and she offers a respectful dip of her head and warm smile before trying to catch Gossamer’s eyes so she can offer the woman a small, understanding smile and respectful dip of her head. While she is not official met Malachai, the woman tries to catch his gaze so she can offer him a small nod of understanding at his gloomy mood. While situation had sucked, Keahi is determined to make the most this time.