
Let Me Burn You



10-20-2013, 12:44 AM

The call from Syrinx was not unnoticed. Cormalin stifled a cough as he padded toward the call. Erani had cleared him for this. The cough was just about gone, and he was feeling much better, physically at least. Alsander had been training Surreal in fighting and it was a great help. Alsander was a good wolf, and would have been a good Beta. Cormalin wasn?t much pleased by the new second Alpha?s treatment of Imena. Demoting because of rudeness was fine, but telling her she was worthless was not. And Cormalin was keen on speaking to Chrysanthe about her brother. The last thing they needed was the healers being demoralized by their own leader, in the midst of a war. And Imena had been through enough in her previous pack.

Cormalin came into the group, stopping beside Cael, giving his son a greeting nudge to the shoulder with his nose before mismatched gold and blue gaze turned to study the restless second Alpha. Chrysanthe?s name had been in the summons as well, but she had yet to show. He knew she had been badly injured in the most recent challenge. Liberty had been lost. Azalea was gone, having traded herself, very foolishly, for Gideon. And Friction, a promising healer, had gone with his daughter. So now there were three members imprisoned by Glaciem. There was nothing holding Cormalin back from engaging in a challenge. The only reason he hadn?t fought on command at the first challenge was because there was still a ray of hope that they could walk away without further problems.

?My apologies for lateness, and my absence at the training. I was ill. However, I am on the mend. Erani has cleared me for duty.? Gaze left the bare-jawed male to land upon Gael. It looked like Gael would be the newest Beta, at least until they won Liberty back. He nodded, then glanced at his son. ?How is Imena?? The question was asked in a concerned tone. His new daughter was sensitive, and easily hurt by harsh words, from what he had seen. Erani had been working on her shyness issues, and Syrinx had likely slammed her back into first base.