
Deep Inside [M]



03-07-2013, 11:47 PM
These caves, they were unlike anywhere that the yearling had been thusfar. Dark and quiet, her footsteps seemed so loud beneath her feet. Valhalla boasted such a wide array of terrain, but there was nothing there that was anything like this. Darkness was different, complete and total darkness caused the hair along her spine to raise just so, unlike dakness that one was bathed in beneath the night time sky - there were no stars to guide her way - and fear of the unknown was something that she had not experienced before. Anyone and anything could be lurking within these stone walls, and as terrifying as that should be, it was oddly exciting. It summoned the explorer from deep within the girl, the part of her that was curious and confident, that wouldn't leave this place without discovering something.

Chrysanthe wandered further in, her tail brushing idly past a wall, which she remained somewhat close to so that she could find her way back, and so that she wouldn't run muzzle first into any walls. She could feel the air from the entrance slowly creep further into the cool cavern, sweeping a breeze slightly around her legs and over her growing figure. Any scents inside were being blown away from her - but at a pace so slow that she could faintly tell that she wasn't completely alone. There was someone here - or rather, someone may have been here. The trail could be hours, even days old and there would be no real way to measure that.

A soft hum escaped the female's throat, and she paused, before whispering into the darkness. "Is there anyone there?" It was like speaking to someone that wasn't truly there, and she waited for a moment, her breath held as to heighten the possibility of hearing a response. She wanted to know whether she was alone - and to know who or what was wandering these caves just as she.