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Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-06-2023, 04:20 PM

Kiliaen was unsure of the response she was looking to her question that was just meant to buy them time. But she had not expected his insistence that was painted in a humorous light. A quiet, airy chuckle escaped her lips as a grin broadened her features. Maybe it was partially a nervous response, but she was also made sheepish by his forward desire. Of course, she was aware it could be a potentially dangerous game to play with someone she wasn't completely familiar with- but another part of her was relieved that he was willing to lead within the realm of seemingly comfortable reason. It was simple; her reluctance stemmed from uncertainty, and lack of experience. Though needless to say, she didn't have an argument for him, and her earlier hesitance continued to melt away as she gave herself over. The reclaiming kiss was enough for her to momentarily forget his following question, but the next time she drew back to answer him, the words were already there. "I'm not going anywhere." Kiliaen assured, with eyelids that were starting to become unreasonably heavy. She wanted so badly to continue swimming in those impossibly blue eyes of his. But the shared contact was simply more intoxicating to her than any bottle of wine ever could be.

Succumbing to the weight of intensity, she veered with the touch that had been situated at her shoulders. Kiliaen propped herself up with her opposite elbow to further open herself to him- though she refused to completely lose their kiss just yet. At least not until a completely different thought entered her mind. A window of sobriety found her as she asked her next question- a sudden manifestation of lingering anxiety. "You don't have any place to be, do you?" Kili asked softly, caught somewhere in a difficult place between worry and lust. The last thing she wanted was for him to be reprimanded for this. She wasn't entirely sure how much time they were prepared to lose, but she felt that they were rapidly approaching a point of no return.