
The Armada Family



5 Years
Athena I
10-20-2013, 01:11 AM

Original Name: Falk Armada

Chosen Name: Falk Armada

Alignment: Neutral good

Brief History: Falk grew up with his siblings, both from his litter and his older brother, and when Taurig went off with their supposed father Falk grew up curious as to where he had run off to and what there could be out there in the wide world. After his sister struck out on her own Falk decided to soon follow, finding himself in Alacritis with a whole new world to explore.

Plans: I believe Falk would like to go find is older brother and visit Tort, possibly joining Taurig there cause he needs some brotherly love xD

Appearance: Dark, chocolate browns, black, russet, and cream wrap around this brute's figure. Blurred, uneven patterns of colors cover his back, neck, and the top half of his head and tail while cream covers the insides of his legs, his stomach, the underside of his tail, and the lower half of his face. His eyes are bright, skyblue gems that are framed by a dark mask of fur that covers the top half of his face. He stands at thirty nine inches tall and every inch of him is wrapped in powerful muscle. The brute is built like a tank, strong and sturdy in every meaning of the word. Even still, he moves with a certain confident grace that can draw attention from anyone as he passes by. He is certainly a handsome brute, though he often takes his looks for granted.

Personality: Everything about the brute screams gentleman when one first interacts with him. He is soft spoken, kind, courteous, and polite. However, if one was to meet Falk on the battlefield they might find someone completely different. When given a proper reason to fight, Falk is a ruthless fighter. He uses his bulky form to his advantage and takes his opponents down with brute force. Falk's normal interaction with other wolves compared to when he is fighting is like night and day. Gentle as a butterfly with his family and lovers, a terror on the battle field. He won't generally speak unless it is necessary or he is spoken to. Falk would never admit it, but he is actually quite shy at times and is very sweet, but he has a terrible time with expressing himself. It may be hard for some wolves to believe this fact, considering his size and his ability to come off as terrifying, but nothing could be more true.
