
Trick or Treat!



"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
02-07-2023, 01:46 AM

Seere keeps her touches light, her words encouraging, and her movements slow. Medusa seems scared and the young healer does everything she can comfort the mother-to-be. A warm smile is on her lips as she shifts down to the woman’s rear, helping to keep her tail clear while encouraging her to push with the contractions. A startled yelp has the girl giving Medusa a gentle, sympathetic pat before her attention is taken up by a puppy joining the world. “Good job Medusa!” her voice is gentle and kind as the young girl snips open the sack, freeing the pup from its confines.

As it takes its first breathes of air, the girl vigorously rubs its back until she hears its small, yet loud, squeals. Seere then guides the pup to Medusa’s belly, making sure it latches on before returning to Medusa’s rear. The healer gently coaches the woman through the steps again and, together, they welcome a second pup into the world. The process with the first pup is repeated and, once they have latched on, she returns to find a third pup already making its way into the world. Carefully, she repeats the process, cooing sweetly to the brand-new puppies as they all suckle.

Sitting back, she looks to Medusa and softly says, “You did great. Try and rest. I will clean up everything and, once the afterbirth comes, I will take care of that too.” A small paw slowly lifts until it comes to rest gently on the woman’s side. A bright smile is on her lips as the girl says, “Congratulations Medusa.” Births are usually a joyful occasion and Seere wishes to keep it that way for the skeletal painted wolf. She does what she said she would, cleaning up the area and gently cleansing Medusa of everything that the process left behind.

Only when everything is done and the puppies are all feed to their hearts content does Seere begin to slowly gather her supplies. Looking between the woman and her companions, she says, “Be sure to eat plenty of red meat to help replenish what your body lost. Drink a lot of water in the coming days and rest as much as possible. I can stay with you until you think you are ready to head back to your pack. I promise that nothing will happen to you or the pups.”

Mismatched eyes look at the little forms snuggled into Medusa’s belly, sleeping soundly without a care in the world. Her young heart is filled with love and joy at having been able to help the woman bring them into the world. With another, warm, fond smile, Seere turns her gaze back to the woman and companions, ready to do whatever they think is best.

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.