After all this time
Banshee and Verity
One day Banshee may find herself back in Armada. Once Verity was old enough and it felt right. There was also a chance the Mother would never have the desire to leave. They'd cross that bridge when the time came. Sirius was nice enough to reassure here again. Stating that they would both always have a home with him and Banshee fully believed him. Her heart sung with joy to have him back in her life. Ban was determined to never allow such a space to come between them again. The painful words that etched from the brute's mouth made her broke that singing heart of hers. Banshee's head hung low as her eyes squeezed shut for a moment. Zee. A wonderful Queen and Mother. Ban expelled a long breath before suddenly moving to nuzzle into him again. Pressing against him and lifting a leg in efforts of a hug. "Seer..." Silence washed over them then. There were no words. She wasn't going to ask for details. After some time she finally spoke, "I will come visit soon, Seer. If you will have me." His den was going to feel incredibly empty without his Zee. She'd make a point to visit often to help keep him company.