
to be a star you must burn

kat <3



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
02-07-2023, 04:19 AM

As she laid down they both got to work. Incubus took his knife and began to whittle away at the tip of the spear. Ultimately the most important part. He had to be careful to ensure the tip was sharp enough to puncture thick skin but also thick enough so the tip did not break up impact. If he did this wrong there is a high chance of going for a jab and the tip splintering off and he would be left looking like an arse.

After some good strokes Inc took a break. The Spear was coming along nicely and he wanted to take his time. Pale eyes moved back to the Princess as she answered his question, a fishing pole. His inky brow rose as he watched her work for a few moments. She continued on to explain that the pole was easier for solo fishing. "I cannot say I've ever seen one in use." A small chuckle, "Do call next time you go fishing, I'd love to how this works." He always just used his paw or even teeth if it came too it.

Incubus moved back to his project. Gripping the handle of the knife with his teeth and gently gliding it along the wood. Thin shavings of wood piled below. He was carefully guiding the wood with his paws. After some time and careful work the tip was to his liking. It was time to move onto the finishing touches for the weapon. Rawhide was to be wrapped at the point in which his teeth would grip the weapon. That way his teeth did not impact the integrity of the pole. He gathered the rawhide in front of him and dropped the knife down at his side. Glancing back to the Princess he spoke, "While I have your ear, Princess. I was curious if you would give me the run down of Ashen's politics. It's been a long time since I've been in these lands and I'm sure the thrones have shifted significantly." His tail flicked, hoping she was not bored by such a subject. This is information he'd like to have spoken to Venom about but the Empress was incredibly busy. "Who are our enemies?" If she did not feel comfortable relaying too much information he'd understand.

[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]