
Peace Offering




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
02-07-2023, 12:13 PM

A little bit of investigating brought answers about a certain insufferable warlord. Though he'd lost his temper and injured her, Isa couldn't help but feel a little remorseful about having goaded him into such a disposition. So, honorable woman that she was, the blue fae decided to approach the giant with an offering of peace. What better way to apologize than by filling someone's belly?

Isa discovered that Sirius had a love of seafood. That worked just fine, considering her pack lived between sea and plain. She grew up eating fresh fish, crabs, mollusks... Picking through the Armada stores, it was easy for the fae to throw together a meal that she'd eaten many times. Isa was confident that she could make this meal with her eyes closed. It was all about smell when it came to the spices. Isa chose a freshly caught bass that was no doubt pulled from a hole in some ice covered stream or lake. The woman deftly descaled the fish as it was already gutted. Into the cavity, she placed herbs and aromatics, then squeezed the juice of an orange on the outside, followed with a little sprinkle of sea salt. Isa then wrapped the fish in wide banana leaves, then placed the bundle on the hot coals of a dying fire. While she waited for that, the woman prepared a side dish of sorts.

Oysters. The shellfish weren't easy to deal with, but Isa was practiced with them. With a thin blade, she popped the tops, saving the lower shell. Isa rinsed the meaty oysters in cold water, then replaced them in the bottom shell. She sprinkled the oysters with a concoction of seasoning and herbs before squeezing the juice of a lemon overtop the spread. Isa peeled and chopped a few pieces of fruit to add to the meal, then displayed it all on a wide slice of birch tree.

How was she going to get this to wherever Sirius was? Wrinkling her nose in thought, Isa just happened to see the man's bear ambling by. The woman hailed the ursine and convinced it to help her take the feast to her master. The cooked fish, still wrapped in banana leaves, was placed on the slab and together the pair made their way to the communal fire where glass blue eyes landed on the resting form of the saber toothed bastard. With care, Isa and the bear offloaded the slab of wood beside the big man, then the bear took its leave.

The cerulean fae gestured to the meal with one pale paw before seating herself beside the fire, thick blue tail curling around one hip. The split in her lip was still very obvious, but it had scabbed over. "An apology for upsetting you," she spoke softly. "Let's start over, shall we?"
