
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 18)

Open to all Hallows wolves and Hallows friends


02-08-2023, 11:17 AM

Uncle Kotori had invited Aia along to attend a bonfire in The Hallows; the home of her aunt and uncle. The amaranthine child was eager to see the sights and meet her extended family, but she was also incredibly shy. Aia stuck close to Kotori, peering around his larger frame at the various wolves that they passed by. She was silent, but she flashed her genuine, sweet smile to any that looked her way. Aia was a very kind child, she was just a little out of her element, never having been in such a large group at once.

As Kotori continued to be social, Aia quite lost track of her uncle. A little bit of panic struck her, blue eyes scanning the crowd for some sort of rescue. She was easily one of the smallest wolves here. Smaller even than some of the pups. Off to the side she spied a quiet looking pair, their calm energy pulling the girl towards them. Dark ears tucked against her skull as the small wolf asked in soft, shy tones, "I lost my uncle Kotori. Can I... sit with you until I see him?" When permission was given, the sweet little plum rested beside the dark woman, curling into a little ball that made her look even smaller, if possible.

"Aia Indarra"