
no crime of passion is worth the crime of fashion


10-20-2013, 05:03 AM

At least he wasn't a compete stick in the mud like she had originally thought he had been. He even smiled as she spoke, the smallest of smirks touching his lips and amusement evident in his gaze which only made her grin widen. He was a good guy, at least in this context while his words slid from hhis mouth and slowly stroked at her ego. If nothing else he knew how to make a girl blush. A bit of the slyness slipped away from her features to a more earnest smile. She had been helping out so she wouldn't get booted for being a lazy bitch who just hunted their game and did nothing else. Well other then causing a bit of mischief here and there but that probably didn't help her case in the long run anyways... But a least Taur had noticed the good things she had been doing and really that was all she was trying to accomplish.

So he was offering to let her join? Her head would crank hard to the left as she turned her gaze to the sky thoughtfully. "To be honest greeting new members and patrolling the boarders is what I used to do, kind of hard to kick the habit... Plus it looks like you could use the help," she said with a soft chuckle and a wink, still trying to play it cool. She wasn't and she was incinuating this his beta was useless, not once had Vi seen her greet a new member or patrol the boarders. Not that she would come right out and say that so bluntly. "And to be completely honest I've always hated change but recently... I dunno I kind of like this new pack your creating, and now I have two sisters here and your aligned with the 3 packs where my other siblings are... Oh yes I have a huge immediate family..." She paused, still smiling at him easily, enjoying his company for once. He was big but he wasn't so giant that it made her feel uneasy like Newt did.

"Okay yeah you caught me, I kinda want to be a part of the pack again..." She said with an exastrabated sigh as if she was doing him some great favor by agreeing to this, though from her smile it was easy to tell she was joking. But then she sighed and returned to a serious expression, head tipped and eyes calm. "What duties would you like to give to me? I will do whatever you please, though if I might make a request I would very much like to continue patrolling the boarders and meeting the new members... If you gave me a high enough rank I wouldn't have to keep dragging you to the boarders to meet them either," even thiugh she threw in an easy wink at the end her words were completely serious. She wanted her rank of beta back but she wanted Taurig to reach that decision on his own and if she had to work day in an day out for it she would. She didn't feel quite as strongly towards Taurig yet as she had towards Nnoitra or Morphine but he seemed like a competent leader and someone she felt like she could follow. She wasn't a leader, the woman may be stubborn and opinionated but she was a born follower. Her thirst for power would never bring her past the position of beta...