
Where the Stars Lead




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (60)

3 Years
Extra large

02-08-2023, 06:02 PM

Once the large bonfire was lit and the festival had begun in earnest, he hung out with his family as they ate, his hazel gaze roaming the crowd as he tried to remember names and put them with faces. He was familiar enough with his mother's branch of their expanded family well enough to recognize that he should know them even if he wasn't close enough to know them all by name. He was certainly more accustomed to being alone or with just his small family group so being in such a large party with so much noise and talking all around him was somehow both fun and too much all at the same time. Eventually he slipped away from his parents and siblings as everyone began to finish up with their meal and began to settle in to just talking among one another and things of that sort, deciding now was as good a time as any to get a little air.

Moving away from the large campfire, Malik began to walk through the plains, making his way down toward the near by stream. The stars were easier to see once he had moved away from the fire and he was able to breathe a contented sigh as he sat at the water's edge and look up toward the moon and stars that cast everything outside of the radius of the fire's warm glow with a cooler, more white light. He did enjoy just how wide open and clear the sky was here. It was something that he had noticed in his other visits to The Hallows and the other various times he had passed through the area. His extended family had certainly settled in a beautiful place, even if he couldn't fully get behind the whole living inside a castle thing. He was his father's son when it came to his love of being out under the open sky and feeling the breeze in his fur.

"Malik of the Sea"