
Fate picked a home for me




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
02-08-2023, 06:36 PM
Anthea gave Artorias a grateful smile as he insisted that he always had time for his wolves. She wasn't sure if she could be considered one of his, at least not yet, but hopefully she'd be remedying that shortly. She agreed with a nod as he suggested that they talk out on the terrace and followed his lead as they moved to sit out in the pleasant summer warmth. She had yet to experience a full year yet in this place that was quickly becoming her home, but she still noticed how much warmer the weather tended to be here in Auster and the switch the seasons made between the two continents. Pretty much everything was interesting to her with how different some parts of this place seemed to be from her and Mercury's homeland and from how much more exposeure she suddenly had to the outside world, but that was one part about living in Auster that had very much intrigued her as she got to be more familiar with this place.

Once they were settled and Artorias mentioned her recovery, she gave him another gentle smile as she replied, "All thanks to the care I've gotten here. Gwynevere and Mercury have been wonderful." The healers she had grown up with had been quite skilled, but Gwynevere more than matched and exceeded that and while his sister handled her physical healing masterfully Mercury had been a huge help when it came to accepting and understanding what had landed her here. Art moved on to what she had wanted to talk about and while she didn't really fear that she had any reason to be nervous, she still had a bit of nerves fluttering in her gut. She didn't know what the over all status of the pack was or if there was really room for someone else to live here, but she certainly hoped so. "I wanted to ask you about becoming a permanent member of The Hallows," she replied, deciding to get right to the point. "I've really enjoyed living here and after realizing some things and talking it over with Mercury I've realized there's not really a home for me to go back to–even if I could figure out how to get there–so... If you'll have me I would like to stay here for good."

"Anthea Dásos"