
Hello there, neighbor!




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-08-2023, 07:29 PM

Artorias quickly understood where Bellamy was coming from and sympathized with the lessons she’d learned. For a younger alpha, he seemed to be wise beyond his years, not to mention kind. It was hard for the old femme not to develop a liking for him almost immediately. Maybe it was due to a lack of such kindness and understanding in her youngest years that made the impact of these acts hit the Ethne Leader even harder now that she was an older adult. Besides that, she was still learning about the world around her, and the wolves that lived in it. Not everything was black and white and some relations would be more complicated than others, but Bellamy was finding empathy and compassion growing to be more important to her. There was enough trouble in the world, and enemies who would do you harm, without adding others unnecessarily. Not that she was a saint herself, but she was trying to better herself, for the sake of her family, her pack, and herself.

When Art invited Bellamy to walk with him the older alpha happily accepted. She fell into a pace that matched his fairly easily, her moss-green eyes casting a curious look at the landscape beyond where they were. The Hallows. While curious about them, Bellamy had no intention to bring any sort of harm or danger to her new neighbors. In fact, ideally, she’d prefer to avoid any pack-based conflicts by prioritizing trade and self-sufficiency of Ethne. She might have spoken best in battle, but that was not the life she wanted for her children, adopted or otherwise. Or any of her members, for that matter. She wanted to protect them, and fight for them… and if that meant she needed to change how she approached others then she was going to have to make that adjustment.

Bells was quiet at first, listening to Artorias as he shared information about the Hallows’ founding and their mission. Her heart sank a little at the information. A sanctuary… what a shame that a place like this had not existed when she herself was a child in Lyenne. Her green eyes took on a faraway, glassier look as she processed that information. “It is quite fortunate that your pack has mostly known peace. Such a pack is one to be admired and protected, not harassed by those with darkness in their hearts.” Her words were quiet, yet gentle and sincere. No pack that would only seek to help those hurting should have to suffer.

She was, however, a bit surprised to hear that the Hallows hadn’t officially been allied with Menagerie. It just went to show how much she had known as a member of the pack, especially with the brief time she’d been there before Wren’s disappearance. “I had not realized that was the case… not that it changes my stance on not wanting to cause the Hallows grief. I’ll be honest… I had not known Wren for long, nor much about Menagerie…” Bellamy frowned, furrowing her brow. “And, ignoring my time in an Empire as a slave during my childhood, I had only ever briefly been in one other pack. It was hard to get the courage to trust another alpha after losing my friend Acere.” The woman’s voice became quiet once more, thoughtful.

Bellamy listened once more as their walk continued and Artorias went into a little more detail about his family and their accomplishments. This information seemed to lift her spirits a little from the darker place they had fallen to and a small smile graced her lips. “Congratulations. There is nothing like the feeling of having your own family and the joys of watching your children grow. A challenge at times, but worth it. My mate and I welcomed five more children into the world this past summer, well, Boreas summer, to join their older sister.” Overall, it seemed that the Hallows had many of the same foundations her own pack held. While she wouldn’t necessarily call them a sanctuary, she wanted to make sure it felt like a home for those that settled there. A safe place where they could be themselves and not face judgment. But now with Artorias finished, he turned the floor to her, and Bellamy drew in a breath, figuring it might be best to start with her beginnings to help set up that foundation.

“To answer that I would need to start with my beginnings, and where I came from.” The maned alpha began. “I was born in a land outside of Boreas and Auster, a continent by the name of Lyenne. I was born to a pair of loners, as well as my sisters, at a time when an empire was conquering packs left and right and tearing families apart.” Bellamy drew in a breath, steadying herself as she prepared to share the next bit of information.

“I was barely out of the den when a cave-in claimed one of my sisters. During the efforts to try and dig her out my family was attacked by soldiers of the empire. My parents were slain before my eyes and when my remaining sister sought to resist them, they killed her too. I was taken into the empire as a fighter and slave… Fighting fodder, really. I was meant to be one of the first on the line for conquering others and my life, my existence, was expendable. Those were such dark times, full of pain given and pain received… I found myself most easily on the battlefield, the only place where I seemed to have any ounce of freedom.” Bellamy frowned deeply as she continued.

“I spent my childhood as a slave to the empire… and once I had grown, I decided it was time to fight my way out. I thought that as a good measure, I’d slay that wicked empress before I fled. It almost came back to haunt me when I was captured by her heir years later, but I managed to slay that one as well. The empire crumbled after that. It was during that time, when I had been captured, that I met my mate. His grandmother, ironically, had been the original empress. But he was not like his family. He was kind, and gentle, with the heart of one who wanted to help and heal rather than cause pain. He was considered a freak to his family, a blemish on their bloodline for his tiny size and the wings that had grown on his back. I had decided back then, even before we became united as mates, that I wanted to protect him and his differences.

…and that feeling only intensified as we had a family. I had gone from a wolf who only knew of fighting and pain to learning what it was like to be loved. To experience a gentler side of things. Sure, there were some others along the way who helped as well, but Gav was the one who made the biggest impact. I had decided to join a pack, Menagerie, originally with the intent of securing a safe place for our family to grow. But… I wasn’t entirely sure if it would have worked out. While I have been striving to do better, I was worried my actions could cost us that safety. I have made an enemy of a pirate by the name of Ignis Praetor, and Wren witnessed our second confrontation at a rather large pack challenge… By how she laid out the rules, it felt as though I would be punished for going to… harsher methods to protect myself and my family. Even if those who came at us sought to do permanent damage.”
Bellamy furrowed her brow.

“...and so when Wren disappeared, I decided it was time to take fate into my own paws. I made the effort to create Ethne, a home for the different, the misfits, and those who might not fit in anywhere else or have any other family to turn to. We would create a family together, and through our bonds survive. A place where all creatures, wolf or otherwise, could be themselves and not have to hide or be ashamed. Though we have a chain of command, I’d like to think that all of our members are equals to each other. Rank is not something to hold over each other, nor would the status of a pack creature over a loner. We are all just creatures doing what we can to survive. At one time I thought that would be through whatever means necessary… but I’m finding better ways to ensure that. And making sure they are all safe and happy is the only thing I could ever truly want. I want us to avoid as much unnecessary conflict as possible, and thrive.” Bellamy smiled again.

“A simple premise for a pack… but I’ve never wanted things to be complicated. There are some things that can be… harder pills to swallow though, as Ethne’s leader, and are things I won’t tolerate among our people. Abuse of any form and slavery are things I can not, in good conscience, stomach. I know there are some packs that will hold slaves… and holding relationships with those who would hold and mistreat others is… trickier.” Bellamy frowned again. “If the slaves aren’t mistreated it can be easier to push down for the sake of avoiding conflict… but I’d be a liar if I said that I’d much rather act on the freedom of any creature if it is in my ability to do so.” Bellamy glanced back to Artorias.

“Not to get off topic… but I’ve heard through the grapevine that the challenge I fought Ignis in… after I’d made my leave the challenger emerged victorious and took much of the old pack prisoner as slaves. Do you know anything about her or her pack by chance?” Bellamy’s ears had fallen back against her skull. “...I don’t know those wolves, but the actions are harsh… and a leader that would take so many against their will is not a wolf to be trusted.” While Bellamy did not think Artorias or the Hallows would act against this other pack she wouldn’t mind some general knowledge if he had some to share.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.