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Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
02-08-2023, 07:58 PM

The brothers listened with attentive silence as she spoke and once she was finished she noticed Sol's concern first, listening as he immediately questioned the kinds of beliefs she meant when she mentioned making Elysium as a place for her family to practice their own beliefs. Before she could respond, Khonsu stepped in, reprimanding his brother for being rude. She returned his smile and waved away the silent apology with her paw. She hadn't been offended in the slightest and saw it as a valuable question, especially as Khonsu went on to ask if other wolves of different beliefs were allowed. "Of course," she replied easily, giving them both a gentle, reassuring smile. I feel that I would be a bit hypocritical if I expected respect for my beliefs without affording the same respect to my members," she added with a soft chuckle. She understood that there were indeed others out there that did just that so it was right of them to ask and verify, especially if they had beliefs of their own that they wanted to openly follow, but in her mind it had been a given.

She didn't often talk about her own beliefs with others outside of her family, but she didn't mind sharing when she was asked so she went on to tell them, "My family, the Mendaciums, believe that our souls are gifts from our ancestors, powerful wolves we call Ancients, and the physical traits we have been given like our unusual coats and various mutations are simply outward representations of those gifts. Our life's goal is to find the wolf that the Ancients made for us to be our counterpart, our Soul Mate, that has been given a piece of these Ancient souls and to bring them into our family so that when we pass away our souls can return to the Ancients and can be born again into future generations of Mendacium wolves and make each generation stronger than the last. We are to take only one mate for our life time and family is the cornerstone of our lives. We are also matriarchal, with a female descendant of the original head of our family always leading and guiding us." She chuckled softly as she said, "That is currently me, obviously, and my daughter will take my place once she's ready. I treat my duties as the pack's Matriarch and the family's matriarch as two different tasks, but my goals for both are fairly aligned. I just want to see everyone in my care do well and live their lives as they see fit."

"Manea Mendacium"