
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 18)

Open to all Hallows wolves and Hallows friends



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
02-08-2023, 09:09 PM

It was finally time! The day of the bonfire! Elowen was eager, though she’d done her best to reign in her excitement as she waited for the time to gather. It had been hard to focus on eating, and even harder to wait for the call of the Aegis, but at last his call finally sounded and her mother turned to them, asking if they were ready. “I am! Ginger too!” The retriever had kept close to the child to assist the family in keeping the pups entertained before the bonfire lighting and, at the mention of her name, the canine lifted her head and offered Fern a small smile. She hoped that her presence with the little ones wasn’t a bother.

Once they had all confirmed that they were ready they moved out into the darkening night. Ginger walked beside Elowen as the girl eagerly looked around with her bi-colored eyes. Once they arrived where the gathering was to take place it did not take long for El to try wandering off. The moment she stands up though Ginger gently eases the child back down with a smile. “You don’t want to get distracted, El! This will be quite the sight. I’d stay close to your family and keep an eye on your uncle.” Ginger told her, offering the kid a grin.

Elowen huffed a little but she sat back down after that, grinning as she looked over at Caladia. “How big do you think the fire is going to get? Uncle Art has a bunch of wood!” Not to mention it looked like he’d have his paws full greeting all the guests that came.

"Talk," 'Think.'

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.