
The Summer Bonfire Festival (Year 18)

Open to all Hallows wolves and Hallows friends


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
02-09-2023, 02:07 AM

ooc: This post has a lot of return interacting happening, so if you don't care to read through all of it, feel free to skip down to the line break for the important bits!

Whether one by one or in clusters, wolves of all sorts began to arrive at his call. Fern and her brood were the first to show up, prompt as usual for his sister-in-law. Artorias greeted her with a smile and a laugh when he saw her energetic pups go scampering about the place. "Hello, Callie! Dusk will definitely be here," he greeted his small niece, chuckling again as Fern quickly ushered her back to the rest of the family. Artorias saw Emile out of the corner of his eye and gave the man a quick glance to show he saw and acknowledged him, but did not call to him specifically, knowing of Emile's preference to remain in the background. He was just happy the Adravendi had come. The first of his children to show up was Ciaran, and the boy received a giant beaming grin from his proud father. His son, who was growing in leaps and bounds by the week, nuzzled his side, and was swiftly scooped up in one of Art's giant paws and pulled into a hug. "Buna ziua, Kea," Artorias greeted his son in their tongue, planting an affectionate nuzzle to the pup's crown before releasing him to continue greeting their friends and family.

Mercury arrived in stoic reverence, as his Vanguard usually conducted himself, and the Aegis greeted him with a fraternal nod. "Hello, Mercury. I hope you enjoy our festival." A sudden weight down on his paws surprised the Aegis, and a quick glance down found the culprit grinning up at him with a wagging tail. He grinned back down at his half-sister, blown away by how tiny she had turned out to be! "Hey Little Shadow! It's great to see you again! Is Mom here too?" he replied with a laugh, helping her back up to her paws. No sooner had he asked, Art saw Tamsyn, Kane, and his other half-siblings arriving. His smile widened and he returned Kane's nod, letting them get settled in while he continued to greet their guests. No doubt Tamsyn would make her way over to him soon. Scampering around past him, Artorias saw one of his daughters arrive, watching Talyssa while she set her offering of handcrafted wreaths to the base of the bonfire. Art's lips turned up into a smile, so proud of his crafty daughter. His sister arrived in her usual fashion of subtlety, but Artorias smiled and nodded back to Avantika all the same.

A sweet familiar voice calling to him caught Artorias' attention, and his beaming smile turned to Bramble. The mountainous father leaned down to receive his daughter's nose boop with a playful laugh, his tail wagging in time with hers. "Buna ziua, Bramble! Hmm, let's see..." But before he could think of anything to task her with, Bramble was already rescinding her offer and running off to join her siblings, leaving a surprised but highly amused Artorias chuckling in her wake. "Go have fun, little love!" he called after her. Artorias greeted Audra and Gloom with smiles and nods when they arrived, watching them for a moment and the way they interacted. It made his heart glad to see Audra having someone to connect to again. Gwynevere and Ysmir came next, setting in to snuggle together and exchange some sweet kisses. Where Art had once felt intensely protective over Gwyn—and in some ways still did—he had come to appreciate the way the Finnvi man made his sister happy.

Amber eyes lifting to spot a familiar tawny beauty moving towards him, Artorias regarded his wife with a loving smile and shimmering gaze as she came with the rest of their brood to sit at his side, gently leaning his side back into hers while his bushy tail swished to curl around hers. Last year's bonfire had seen him propose to Briar, and this year's saw them as mates and surrounded by the family they had built together. Nothing could have made the Carpathian happier than this. Leaning his neck in until his muzzle gently brushed hers in an affectionate nuzzle, Art then placed a quick peck on her cheek before looking to his most recently arriving child. "Buna ziua, Thorn," he greeted his azure son, noting with a smirk that the boy was carrying his training sword with him. A boy after his own heart... Now where was little Dusk?

By now, Tamsyn had made her way around to him and Briar, and Artorias greeted his mother with a strong embrace. He did miss her constant presence around the Hallows, but seeing her happy and taken care of reassured him that she had finally found the happiness she had long deserved. Rudy arrived shortly after Fern had with Kipling in tow, the three-legged pup looking like he was giving his parents hell. Artorias couldn't help the humored grin of schadenfreude on his lips. How ironic, the wily Rudy got the most wild child out of the nine born to the Hallows.  "Thank you, Rudy. It couldn't have been done without everyone's efforts," he replied to his brother. What Rudy said next though struck a nerve deep in Artorias' heart. Mom would have loved this. A flash of emotion crossed the Aegis' eyes, and his smile softened with a sentimental pull. It was no secret that Art always considered Resin's creeds in all that he did with the Hallows. Hearing those words was one of the greatest compliments he could have received. "Thank you, Rudy," he repeated, his voice lower and much more emotional now.

Artorias noted Outlaw arriving and greeted the dog with a wide smile and wave, then Iolaire and another older woman he didn't recognize. He would be sure to have introductions made once the party had officially started. Movement on the perimeter of the growing group caught Art's eye, and he spotted Ash slinking her way stealthily around the crowd. Like Emile, he gave his sister her privacy and acknowledged her with a smile and a nod, happy she was here with them. The sound of something flopping to the ground at his paws snapped Artorias' attention down, where the giant wolf spotted his black-coated daughter beaming up at him with wagging tail and a dead rabbit at his feet. Artorias laughed and gave his little soot sprite of a daughter a proud nuzzle of his black nose against her crown. "Indeed you did! Bine făcut, my little darling!" Artorias passed the rabbit off to be placed amongst the feast while Dusk settled in at his side, the Aegis noting how she watched him and imitated his behaviors as they greeted their guests. It brought an amused and loving smile to the sire's face to see how much his daughter looked up to him.

Bowen arrived and approached, making her way up to give him a kiss on the cheek. A happy murr rumbled in the Aegis' chest as he replied with an affectionate smile and nuzzled her cheek before she pulled away, watching her make her way around to the rest of the family. He was so glad she was home, but he was even more grateful that she seemed whole again. A shadow drifting over the crowd in the fading light made Artorias look up to the sky, and even though he knew what he would find, it still brought a huge, proud smile to his face to see Zephyrus coming to land and join the party. Watching his giant avian son squeeze and maneuver his way through the crowd brought a titter of laughter from the Aegis, who rose so he could properly embrace his eldest son when he made his way up to him. Zeph's offering of rare metals to burn in the fire were a fascinating and exciting notion. "Well, why don't we kick things off with a little razzle dazzle?" he said with a playful grin to Zeph and began to toss them up into the pile of wood so they'd land at random intervals around the fire. Zeph had made a lovely gesture to entertain his siblings and liven up the festival. Naturally Artorias was going to give his son his moment of glory. Memento was greeted with a return nod and smile, and Kotori as well. "We're happy to have you both here, Ko. You're family, and you are always welcome here."

With the sun now barely skimming the horizon and twilight fading into night, Artorias deemed the time right to begin. Anyone who hadn't shown up yet wouldn't miss much besides the lighting of the fire and his speech. "Welcome, everyone! It is my pleasure and honor to welcome you all to the Hallows' annual Bonfire Festival! This festival is one of the most important events in our culture, as it symbolizes not only the light and warmth we seek to bring to our world, but also gives us a chance to celebrate the friendships we've kindled, the families we've made, and the love we've found. It also is our time to remember those dear to us that have gone on and left us with their love and memories. This fire, which will burn from dusk until tomorrow's dawn, is our time to pay respects to our pasts, honor our presents, and look toward the future together."

Turning to Argent, Artorias took up the flint and steel while his companion selected a thick stick from the base of the pile and held it in his teeth. Artorias struck the steel to flint a couple of times, the sparks catching the end of the oil-soaked stick and beginning to burn. The Aegis took the burning stick from the fox, held it aloft, and then tossed it up into the center of the pile of wood. The darkness surrounding the wolves began to ebb away as fire spread throughout the pile of tinder, growing from a single burning stick into a conflagration of flames that soon engulfed the entire bonfire. Heat and light radiated off the fire, chasing away the coming night as it illuminated the plains. After a few minutes, sizzles and sparks could be heard within the fire as the metals Zephyrus had brought began to melt, the chemical reaction causing random bursts of vibrant colors to emerge in the flames. The driftwood Syanna and Ezra had gathered also affected the fire where it burned, bright blue flames erupting in amongst orange ones where the sea salted wood burned.

Once the fire had grown to its full potential, Artorias turned back to address his wolves and his guests. "Before I officially begin our festival, I have one more important announcement to make. Since its inception, the Hallows has been a place for all of us to call home, and we have all made this place our home. A place of safety and warmth and love. A place we can be proud of. And what more personal point of pride could exist than a name? I have decided it is time we give our beloved castle a true name worthy of our home. A name we can share with the world, one that is synonymous with the ideals the Hallows stands for." Artorias glanced through the dark to the lights of the castle in the distance, where a fire always burned in the grand hearth, standing as a beacon in a dark world ready to receive any who needed it. "From this day forth, our castle shall be known as Hearthstone. Whenever someone asks you where you live, or where to find the Hallows, tell them with pride to look for the castle Hearthstone in Auster." Hearthstone—a name that inspired warmth and protection. With the news of the naming of their castle home given, it was time to let everyone mingle and enjoy themselves. "I welcome everyone to celebrate as they please! There is plenty of food and drink for all, so please enjoy yourselves!"

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Carpathian" | "Corbin" | "Eira" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.