
What We Do in the Shallows


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
02-08-2023, 09:59 PM
Finally, the sickening snap of spinal tissue preceded an abrupt cessation of the screaming, but even then he did not stop until the skull had almost been severed from the body. Subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and tendons had already been shredded, leaving fragmented strands of ligaments connecting exposed bone. It was a rather gruesome sight, one that would churn the stomach of weaker-minded predators, but for Siphiran, it felt natural. In fact, aside from the elation and blood lust, he felt nothing at all for the creature he had mindlessly slaughtered out of animosity.

Sephiran stood still for a few moments, still holding his prize as he took several, drawn-out huffs of air, deeply inhaling through nostrils that splattered blood onto the sand with every exhale. One last wave of arousal trickled through his body, causing him to outwardly tremble and groan that was perverse in nature. His gaze shifted to his surroundings, settling upon the waves that lapped at his feet, pulling a dark shade of crimson into the tides that could only come from fresh, arterial blood. It was at that moment that he noticed something not too far from him, or rather, someone, standing in the same tides that tried to wash away the carnage. The hair along his spine was still bristled, though it became more erect as he stared at her, a deep, authoritative growl rumbling within his chest. His tail lifted, curling over his hocks, as he sent her an animalistic warning. Do you want to be next?


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.