


10-20-2013, 06:13 AM

ooc;; medusa needs back up, on it!! was going to post with Zara but decided Vi would be better...

It wasn't often that the red woman ignored the call of someone at the boarders but today she recognized the voice and she knew it could only be bad. Head would crane to look at her sister who lay near their den, curious to see if Zara would go check it out but the female simply grunted and went back to sorting her herbs. Vi knew that Newt and Zara had history but Vi wasn't exactly one to chat and neither was Zara it seemed so the whole story had never come out. But Vi knew the whole history of Newt and Kaios, Medusa and Jupiter. Her brother had pledged his allegiance to Jupiter upon her beheading of the once Amenti king and honestly Vi couldn't really blame him. Kaios had been a plague upon this land... Vi also knew of Keki and Crusade, had met with Crusade when the former Glaciem queen had left Amenti after asking Newt to send someone to kill the man who had raped her daughter, obviously that hasn't gone all that well. So with all this in mind she had never blamed Jupiter for killing Kaios, in fact thanked the woman seeing as if she hasn't done it then her brother would have tried and possibly failed.

A heavy sigh dropped from her lips as she tipped her nose to the sky, catching various scents from the now meeting place. "I'll be back dear, if you smell blood please come save me..." She didn't wait for her sister to answer before hopping off the tree and breaking into her easy lope towards the gathering. The raised voices caught her long before the sight of the wolves did and what she saw unnerved her. Taurig seemed to be the only sane one of the bunch and the little weakling she had found poisoned was there too. She slowed to a slow walk, her usual sly smile sliding into place as she made her way towards Taurig, moving to touch his shoulder in a hopefully calming manor before moving towards Medusa. She would try and put herself between the behemoth of a woman and the black temptress she had enjoyed the company of so long ago. Before pregnancy had ruined her body... "Attempted rape? Is that any better then rape? As well if memory serves correctly he did far worse things to lots of other people and many more people wanted him dead..." She kept her tone light even though she wanted to spit on Newt for defending Kaios. She knew the words would cost her but a that moment she couldn't keep the words from coming out... She would say nothing more, dredge up no more details as she slipped towards the black woman, moving to stand beside her.

More words would be spat from their beta's mouth, accusations but Vi stood beside Medusa, yellow eyes watching the massive woman over her shoulder as she waited for the rant to end. Was this how a leader should act? Taurig was handling things well, aggressive but he knew none of the history, now of the blood she and sorrow that accompanied these two. Vi agreed that Juliter had gone a step too far with sending Medusa after Amenti but at the same time Vi could understand it... "Dear, war won't solve anything, the king here has made peace with your queen. I trust in him to keep his word and to keep Newt in her place away from Jupiter. If he doesn't I will..." Her words were soft, for Medusa only, said near the tail end of Newt's rant to try and get her to not justify Newt with a response and simply leave. She needed to talk this woman down off the ledge she was currently on and Vi knew that this meeting wouldn't be the best for pack relations.

Vi didn't want to put her family in danger, if Taurig couldn't keep Newt from launching a one woman war on their ally then Vi would do anything in her power to do just that. Kylar lived in Ludicael now, he was loyal to Jupiter and Jupiter alone just as Medusa was. Hopefully the black woman would see as much. "Please leave... Your doing more harm then good here," her words were slightly louder now, a plea as she began to back up, now careful to put Taurig between herself and Newt. She had probably just made herself an enemy, had probably just pissed off Taurig but if that meant Medusa would leave without continuing to taunt and torment Newt then it would be worth it. Taurig was sensible, Vi had no issue explaining her history with Newt's mate to him later to try and get him to understand. She would stand with Taurig, lantern eyes focused in Medusa. "Just give the word..." Her words were for only Taurig now. She was ready to help him make Medusa leave if needed, knowing that if they released Newt on the task that it might get a bit out of hand...
