
wake me up


10-20-2013, 06:45 AM

She didn't know Talon didn't feel special, if he had said such a thing out loud there would have been a good chance she would have hit him on the head. To her he was nothing but special, he was everything to her and if someone else didn't see that then she really couldn't understand it's the girl had never really understood that him having three legs was a disability, that it made him a cripple. To this day no one had yet sat her down and told her that her way of thinking was wrong, little did she know she would find all of this out from Isardis. All she knew in life that two of the most important people to her had only three legs and if it was a disability then damn that just made them all the more amazing. She noticed the wetness in his eyes but tears didn't spill over the brims the way her's had. She could only hope that they were happy tears like hers had been and that there was no sorrow eating at his heart. She had had enough sadness in her life and it was evident Talon had too, she didn't want her presence made him sad, she only wanted him to be happy...

He embraced her back, mirroring her motions by burrying his face in her thick ruff and also inhaling. She enjoyed the feel of his breath on her skin, the warmth of him against her. She didn't want to let him go, didn't want him to ever let to of her but as with all their meeting she knew it would come to an end all to quickly, all too soon. They would enjoy each others company until one or the other had to leave and then they would part ways. Kangi only ever walked until she was hidden from view and then normally stopped to watch his retreating form. She didn't want to ever have to do that again, but his words about this alpha made her uneasy and as he pulled back to find her gaze she let her yellow eyes lock into his as if searching for the truth. He wasn't as exuberant or happy about this king as he had been with the one back in Seracia. Was he unhappy?

He was very nice to the girls? Kangi was still young and inexperienced enough not to quite understand what that meant, even less so then Talon probably did. At least he had seen it in action, seen his friend catch the kings eye and such but for a girl who's only experience with men was with her adoptive father and Talon this was all completely above her head. She didn't question it though, simply smiling softly at the comment. Maybe it meant that this king would be nice enough to simply let her visit Talon whenever she wanted? One could hope... Her words seemed to had a less then desired effect on Talon, a single word dropping from his lips before it was cut off with a whine. Had she said something to upset him? She opened her mouth to apologize but before she could say anything he leaned forward to once more embrace her and all thoughts fled from her mind. She arched her neck around his and squeezed as well, more then happy for the contact.

West? But he didn't want her to go into the pack lands, she could understand as much and nodded into his neck to show her understanding. "As long as I know where to find you I'll be happy enough..." She said, swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat and squeezing him tighter before releasing him from her embrace feather begrudgingly. His next question almost came as a shock and left the young girl blinking at him for a moment. It took her a moment to regain her bearings before hopping to her feet as if she had been shocked back to life. Tail began wagging low and fast at her heels as her body began to wiggle again. "Of course!! If you don't want me in the pack lands then my home is pretty close and your welcome to sleep over! I can catch us bunnies!!!" Now her mind was racing as she thought of hunting for Talon and eatig together and having someone to curl up with and sleep beside tonight. He really wanted to stay the night with her?
