
And so we meet




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-09-2023, 02:25 AM

Though Bellamy had been making her rounds to different packs, there were still a couple of alphas she had yet to meet face-to-face. There was Ashen, of course, one of the packs that Kotori had mentioned when she had encountered him, as well as his own pack. There was also the Armada, far in the Northern reaches of Boreas, back near where she had started this journey on the dying grounds of what was once Menagerie’s lands. It was… funny how far she’d come since she had met Wren. The woman hadn’t been very certain about being a follower of Menagerie, but for the sake of her family, she had been willing to try. And now? Though she had faced some challenges, Bellamy did not regret becoming the Leader of Ethne. She was not naive enough to believe they were truly safe from all threats, but it did feel safer than when they were loners. And she was starting to trust in herself more, the journey to leadership pushing her beyond herself so that she could become a better leader for her people.

And as a leader, one’s duties were never done. Bellamy had done a patrol of their borders earlier that day, but rather than choosing to rest, she had taken up a training exercise with her companions. Despite all of them getting older, Ears seemed to learn some new tricks and was even stronger than before. That was good, Bellamy had told herself. They were going to need that strength, all their strength. Manea’s words, and the hidden meaning that seemed to be within them, had sent a warning within Bellamy’s brain and formed a strong opinion of the pack that Ignis ran with. If Manea knew of the pirates and was “familiar” with them as she put it, there was no doubt in her mind they were trouble… and dangerous. Hell, any pack that would knowingly take in a cub that bore some stranger’s scent didn’t sit right with her. And of course with Ignis there that bias of distrust for the pack only grew stronger.

A call broke out over the lands and Bellamy’s ears swiveled. It was not a joining howl, though the request for her presence was clear. Another alpha, perhaps? A  messenger?  It was a voice unfamiliar to her but Bells would not take a chance on being slow to show. Seeing that Whiskers was tuckered out from their training, the maned woman opted to only take Ears with her and, with the devil in tow, she made a beeline for the borders of the Falls.

A man waited for her at the border, a dire wolf with a strong build and saber fangs. His coat bore similarities to her own, dark with touches of a much lighter color. Her green gaze met his blue one and she took note of the unique slash-like markings over his left eye. While she did not know of the famous Fatalis marking prior to this meeting, she could feel that this wolf was an important one. Bellamy dipped her head to the man, her companion taking a seat silently by her side as he regarded Sirius with beady eyes.

“Greetings. You stand at Ethne’s borders. I am its Leader, Bellamy of Foi.” She kept her tone respectful, taking in the stranger’s scent. Her eyes would widen slightly, realizing that the scent that hung to his coat was that of a northern wolf. An Armada wolf? She didn’t know of any other packs that had formed in that region… and though Kotori had mentioned his brother being the one leading the pack at the time of their meeting, this wolf was older. Could this be…? Bellamy’s brow furrowed slightly, and, curiosity getting the better of her, the woman spoke once more. “Forgive me if this is a bit forward, but would you happen to be Sirius Fatalis?” She had only heard about him in passing from Wren, but Bellamy was almost certain that her hunch was correct.

But that left an important question. What had brought the Warlord all the way down to Auster, to Ethne?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.