

Medusa i


5 Years
10-20-2013, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 04:46 PM by Medusa i.)
EDITED FOR POST COUNT CORRECTION. permission given by dark + lu <3

Oh, she expected the pack mates to get upset, but it did not change the harlot? intentions. The first to come was a black male with purple eyes, and he would speak up. ?I do not drop things from the past because she does not,? she informed the man. Stheno would press closer to her side, a silent oath of protection, but Medusa felt no fear. There were only two things on this earth that the harlot feared, and neither of them were present in this situation. ?This isn?t about revenge. This is about love,? she told him, and for she had no hatred towards Newt aside from the threat she posed towards Jupiter.
The King would speak, and Medusa would shake her head. ?You seem rather dull, lovely, as I have said this was not about the past. This is, in fact, about the future. She will come for my lover?s head, and I cannot allow that. The past does not matter; I will eliminate all threats to my love?s life. Do not tell me you would not do the same for the one you love; if you would not, you are undeserving of love,? she informed him. There was no bitterness in her voice, not spite, merely a dutiful note.
Newt would then find it her turn to speak, and her first words were enough to make Medusa snort. ?If someone were to rape your daughter, you would tear their head from their body,? she told the woman. ?You see, dear giantess, I do not care for morality. It matters little to me what you perceive as right and wrong, for the moral are always hypocrites, always fools,? she spoke so smoothly. And then Newt spoke the magic words, the words promising to come for Jupiter?s head. Medusa remained silent, allowing the foolish woman to speak.
?You call me the puppet, lovely, but that is not true. You see, I am the master. I am not controlled. Jupiter is mine, and she runs on my strings whether she knows it or not. If I threaten you again, it is not war with Amenti or Ludicael, it is war with me. Jupiter nor my pack knows not that I was even here,? she said. She knew that regardless of what happened here her children would be safe; no one here knew that Medusa had even been pregnant.

The scarlet dame Medusa remembered approached, and although she was reasonable, the harlot could not accept the words she offered in condolence. ?When I come to threaten one?s head, it is not done out of good feelings. I would leave Newt well enough alone, but she threatens the one thing I cherish in this world, the one thing that has ever made me happy. If she were to kill Jupiter I would be nothing,? she growled. No, she could not let this woman live.
Defenses set into place during her entire speech; legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Thus, at the end of her speech there was no pause, as she?d been readying herself throughout. She wanted a death match? She would certainly get one.
She rushed forwards, leaving Stheno behind if only for the moment. The wolverine was prepared should the need to attack arise, but her appearance was placid. None would be able to tell that she was anything more than a simple pet. The harlot sought to approach head on, unafraid of their size difference as she had once been. She attempted to step quickly to her right, and then to her left, leaping off her right front paw and lifting it up, hoping to slam it into the outside edge of Newt?s left elbow as Medusa?s body traveled to the left, seeking to trip the giantess up as she had once tripped Canttina up. Weight transferred to her left paw, but she was airborn for a moment, before her left paw kissed the ground and balance adjusted.
During the leap her hips pivoted to her own left, seeking to bring herself at an angle with Newt?s shoulder, with Medusa?s hips far away from Newt?s body, so that Medusa?s head was hopefully the only thing in reach of Newt?s contact. Her left shoulder sought to slam into the outside, fleshy part of the giantess?s right shoulder, her jaws snapping forwards and seeking to bite into Newt?s right side neck. Her bottom jaw wanted to press into the woman?s throat, her top seeking to bite into the side part of her neck, attack in general aim for the middle of the neck. Her intent was to obtain a grip and suffocate, but who knew if that would remotely meet success.

ATTACKS: attempted to slam her right paw into Newt?s front left elbow and move to her own left, so that Newt trips. Attempted to pivot and then slam her left shoulder into the outside edge of Newt?s right shoulder. Attempting to bite and grip Newt?s right side neck.


DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back.
OOC: Dark and I have both consented to this death match! Also, just a note for those watching, I do not believe that interference in a DM is allowed, although I?m not 100 percent sure~