
What We Do in the Shallows



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
02-09-2023, 05:34 PM

It brought her a sense of satisfaction that the vulture was able to escape his grasp- leaving the boy with a mouthful of feathers in its wake. As she went on in her lecture of a lesson, she could plainly see that he was tuning her out for the most part. But if any of it stuck with him, she would chalk it up as a win. Though, when he seemed to find the idea of a counter attack funny, all his laughter did was fan her flame. He made a comment about her talking too much, but she was quick to answer him. "And you have no sense of self-preservation for someone who just goes around killing things to kill things." She spat back. She wanted to call him a stupid boy and be done with it, but she also refused to allow herself to be lowered to his level.

He argued that she made assumptions, but she was quick to interject as he shoved his way past her. "I make observations." She quickly seethed the correction, not entirely sure as to where he was going. Talyssa watched as he took the Fox carcass in his jaw, only to begin dismembering it. She couldn't help but look away in disgust. "You're impossible!" She said, taking a few steps backwards to avoid any droplets of his mess getting on her fur.

The enjoyment that the peculiar boy from playing with the dead animal was quite disturbing. She wrinkled her nose at the display before continuing on. "There is always going to be an opponent that is bigger, meaner, and tougher. In a real fight, that kind of carelessness will get you in trouble." She warned, gesturing to what was left of the fox in his jaws."You should practice like it's the real thing. Not some cruel game." She finished. But then a realization dawned on her. Why did she care? Why did she care what happened to him. Maybe he needed to be beaten up by a larger predator. She dared a lingering glance to the carcass, completely disappointed with what had become of it. Talyssa narrowed her eyes, she offered a final scoff before dashing across the sand to return to the castle. But just before she left earshot, she offered one more glance over her shoulder to call out to him once more. "And clean up my beach when you're done!" Monster! Not waiting for a response, she continued on, coming to the conclusion she needed something to cleanse her mind of the grizzly scene she was leaving behind.

-exit Talyssa-