
Let Me Burn You


10-20-2013, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 09:13 AM by Thane.)
White lined ears perked up as a howl reached the man's ears, a call. Standing up from his haunches the brute would start into a run, following the howl. He was summoned, probably along with a few others. Nearing the premises on which other scents wafted from the wolves Thane knew this would be a serious matter. Slowing to a walk an eagle's screech was heard above as Cyril glided above him.

"Good day Master Thane, what are we or in terms, you, summoned for?"

"Not sure, but we're about to find out. I smell other's so this must be some sort of discussion." he guessed.

Coming up closer to his pack-mates aqua blue eyes looked around. A few others were present, they all as well seemed to ponder the thoughts and questions of why they were here.

Giving a nod towards Syrinx the male would speak as he walked up to take a seat on his haunches.

"Apologies for my timing" he would say with another nod.

Listening patiently for whatever was going to go down Thane would look to his right for a moment as Cyril followed up and perched on his left shoulder.

"Greetings and apologies as well" the golden eagle would say before he would perform a respectful bow.

The companions would wait together as they looked around at the other members that had been summoned. Curiosity bit at the edges of their minds, only to be fed soon enough.