
you'd do anything for me




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-09-2023, 09:01 PM

Usagi had to admit, he was quite busy. Most of his time was spent on the move - that meant he wove himself in and out of the bsmboo’s perimeters with such a ferocity that barely a mouse could get close without being scrutinized by his observant gaze. That wasn’t even including thr hours he spent sparring - either with his packmates, or by himself. Practicing the same routine of kicks, the leaps, the various gymnastics of the combat form he’d inherited. Not only that, but little Fuji even asked him for advice when there was a moments’ reprieve, helping her learn to fight with a sword in her maw. The fiery girl was growing up quickly, and was improving in her combat skills every time they’d met. He was proud of his half-sibling, just like all of them, too. He and Kunai were in blissful times together, having moved forward from such a traumatic beginning to their reunion. Getting to know their likes and dislikes, their love rekindled from childhood. Like picking up where they’d left off, all those years ago. But how could he forget - and he never would - the brother he was tied to, blood, flesh and bone. Kuroo. The man he had traveled with, cared for, looked out for. His own brother. They were two peads in a pod, even if they didn’t look similar at all - what mattered was they knew and understood each other better than anybody.

But if Kuroo was the emotional, nostalgic type, then Usagi was emotionally constipated. Emotionally backed-up, at that. It took effort and commitment to get him to even show a bit of emotion, and even that was only hinted in his steely, chartruse eyes, the eyes that rarely revealed anything to begin with. Still, following after his sibling - the swallet ring was a peaceful place, made even more peaceful when he was told no swimming was involved - he listened to his words with great thought, his full attention. ”I missed you as well, Kuroo,” He said, frowning softly as he glanced at the gently lapping waves of the scattered beaches. Turning back to face the piebald koi, he added, ”I deeply regret how busy I have been, to not get the chance to hang out with you again.” He missed him too. He truly did.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—